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Adrift on an Ice-Pan

Sir Wilfred Grenfell

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Adrift on an Ice-Pan | Sir Wilfred Grenfell

Adrift on an Ice-Pan

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This autobiographical work describes the author’s harrowing experience caught on a small drifting piece of ice, while crossing a frozen bay by dog team on the Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland.
of the purpose of a man, dimly at first, conceived in a home in[xix] which all, both of tradition and of teaching, bred faith, reverence, and the sense of thanksgiving in usefulness.

From the school-days at Parkgate came the step to Marlborough College, where three years were marked by earnest study, both in books and in play, for the one gained a scholarship and the other an enduring interest in Rugby football. Matriculating later at the University of London, Grenfell entered the London Hospital, and there laid not only the foundation of his medical education, but that of his friendship with Sir Frederick Treves, renowned surgeon and daring sailor and master mariner as well. With plenty of work to the fore, as a hospital interne, the ruling spirit still asserted itself, and the[xx] young doctor became an inspiration among the waifs of the teeming city; he was one of the founders of the great Lads' Brigades which have done much good, and fostered more, in the example that they have set for allied activities. Nor were the needs of his own bodily machine neglected; football, rowing, and the tennis court kept him in condition, and his athletics served to strengthen his appeals to the London boys whom he enrolled in the brigades. He founded the inter-hospital rowing club at Putney and rowed in the first inter-hospital race; he played on the Varsity football team, and won the "throwing the hammer" at the sports.

A couple of terms at Queen's College, Oxford, followed the London experience, but here the conditions[xxi] were too easy and luxurious for one who, by both inheritance and training, had within him the incentive to the strenuous life. Need called, misery appealed, the message of life, of hope, and of salvation awaited, and t

Jennifer ☁️ 12/28/2023
This harrowing true story of artic survival left me truly grateful for the comforts of home. The story is a bit graphic but worth reading nonetheless.
Lindsay 01/04/2023
I found this real-life account by Wilfred Grenfell to be very interesting. H was on an emergency call and got stranded with his dog team on a chunk of ice (known as an ice pan) with no way to move forward or move back. Not only was he at risk of frostbite and hypothermia, but he also had no food or
Allison ༻hikes the bookwoods༺ 07/16/2021
An interesting piece of Newfoundland history and a fascinating account of the experience by Sir Wilfred Grenfell.
Jessica 03/30/2018
This book consists of a single account of Grenfell's misfortune during his journey to the home of a young patient. I enjoyed his descriptive storytelling, both of the landscape and his turmoil. This has sparked interest in me to read more about his other writings. The complimentary material included

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