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The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat

Thornton W. Burgess

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The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat | Thornton W. Burgess

The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat

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Join us as we follow Jerry Muskrat and his friends on an adventure to discover what is threatening their homeland, Laughing Brook and Smiling Pool.
was it all about? Why, all the Minks and the Coons and the Otters and the Muskrats, who live and play around the Smiling Pool and the Laughing Brook, were hunting for traps. Yes, Sir, they were hunting for traps set by Farmer Brown's boy, just as Grandfather Frog had advised them to.

Jerry Muskrat and Little Joe Otter were hunting together. They were swimming along close to shore just where the Laughing Brook leaves the Smiling Pool, when Jerry wrinkled up his funny little nose and stopped swimming. Sniff, sniff, sniff, went Jerry Muskrat. Then little cold shivers ran down his backbone and way out to the tip of his tail.

"What is it?" asked Little Joe Otter.

"It's the man-smell," whispered Jerry.

Just then Little Joe Otter gave a long sniff. "My, I smell fish!" he cried, his eyes sparkling, and started in the direction from which the smell came. He swam faster than Jerry, and in a minute he shouted in delight.

"Hi, Jerry! Some one's left a fish on the edge of the bank: What a feast!"

Jerry hurried as fast as he could swim, his eyes popping out with fright, for the nearer he got, the stronger grew that dreadful man-smell. "Don't touch it," he panted. "Don't touch it, Joe Otter!"

Little Joe laughed. "What's the matter, Jerry? 'Fraid I'll eat it all up before you get here?" he asked, as he reached out for the fish.

"Stop!" shrieked Jerry, and gave Little Joe a push, just as the latter touched the fish.

Snap! A pair of wicked steel jaws flew together and caught Little Joe Otter by a claw of one toe. If it hadn't been for Jerry's push, he would have been caught by a foot.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" cried Little Joe Otter.

"Next time I guess you'll remember what Grandfather Frog said about watching out when you find things to eat where they never were before," said Jerry, as he helped Little Joe pull himself free from the trap. But h

Zaz 06/25/2020
I'm not sure how this sweet little children's book came into my possession, but I dutifully read it on my quest to read every book in my house. Although it is over 100 years old, it holds up better than I would have expected in both style and tone. A collection of diverse animals teams up to resolve
Jon E 06/29/2019
I really liked it and it had tons of exciting chapters like how Jerry Muskrat broke down the wall that Paddy the Beaver had made. Actually I think it was a dam or something that beavers make to keep the water in and their home.
Miles 03/01/2018
This book is very exciting because you never know what's going to happen next! The best two characters in the book are Spotty the Turtle and Jerry Muskrat. I like Spotty the Turtle's sayings. And I like Jerry Muskrat because he is just plain funny.
Jimyanni 11/24/2016
The Thornton Burgess series in general is quite an endearing series of children's books, which do a fine job of being readable by young readers and having interesting plots and introducing young people to a variety of animals in a semi-anthropomorphized way. This particular entry, "The Adventures of

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