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Alcestis | Euripides


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Alcestis is the earliest surviving play by Euripides. Alcestis, the devoted wife of King Admetus, has agreed to die in his place, and at the beginning of the play she is close to death. In the first scene, Apollo argues with Thanatos (Death), asking to prolong Alcestis' life, but Thanatos refuses. Apollo leaves, but suggests that a man will come to Pherae who will save Alcestis. Euripides' play is perhaps the most unusual Greek drama ever written: a tragedy that is not a tragedy.
To slay the doomed?—Nay; I will do my part.

No. To keep death for them that linger late.

THANATOS (still mocking).
'Twould please thee, so?… I owe thee homage great.

Ah, then she may yet … she may yet grow old?

THANATOS (with a laugh).
No!… I too have my rights, and them I hold.

'Tis but one life thou gainest either-wise.

When young souls die, the richer is my prize.

Old, with great riches they will bury her.

Fie on thee, fie! Thou rich-man's lawgiver!

How? Is there wit in Death, who seemed so blind?

The rich would buy long life for all their kind.

Thou will not grant me, then, this boon? 'Tis so?

Thou knowest me, what I am: I tell thee, no!

I know gods sicken at thee and men pine.

Begone! Too many things not meant for thine
Thy greed hath conquered; but not all, not all!

I swear, for all thy bitter pride, a fall
Awaits thee. One even now comes conquering
Towards this house, sent by a southland king
To fetch him four wild coursers, of the race
Which rend men's bodies in the winds of Thrace.
This house shall give him welcome good, and he
Shall wrest this woman from thy worms and thee.
So thou shalt give me all, and thereby win
But hatred, not the grace that might have been.

Manny 02/20/2018
Last night, on our first evening of the Adelaide Fringe, we saw a fine production of Alcestis by the Scrambled Prince Theatre Company. It was most enjoyable, but I'm afraid that on returning home I immediately went and looked up an online translation. Could it really be the case that the dialogue be
David 07/03/2017
Death and Resurrection in Ancient Greece
9 April 2012

I can now understand why they call this a problem play: for most of the play it is a tragedy but suddenly, at the end, everything turns out all right. One commentary I have read on this raises the question of whether it is a masterpiece or a train

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