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The Bobbsey Twins

Laura Lee Hope

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The Bobbsey Twins | Laura Lee Hope

The Bobbsey Twins

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The Bobbsey Twins are the principal characters of what was, for many years, the Stratemeyer Syndicate's longest-running series of children's novels, penned under the pseudonym Laura Lee Hope. The books related the adventures of the children of the middle-class Bobbsey family, which included two sets of fraternal twins: Bert and Nan, who were 12 years old, and Flossie and Freddie, who were six.

Ah, that was the question. For over an hour [Pg 38]he continued to lie awake, watching and listening. Nan was in the next little chamber and he was half of a mind to call her, but he was afraid she would call him a "'fraid-cat!" something he despised.

Bert had heard of ghosts and now he thought of all the ghost stories he could remember. Had the thing in white been a ghost? If so, where had it come from?

After a while he tried to dismiss the thing from his mind, but it was almost morning before he fell asleep again. This time he slept so soundly, however, that he did not rouse up until his mother came and shook him.

"Why, Bert, what makes you sleep so soundly this morning?" said Mrs. Bobbsey.

"I—I didn't get to sleep until late," he stammered. And then he added: "Mamma, do you believe in ghosts?"

"Why, of course not, Bert. What put that into your head?"

"I—I thought I saw a ghost last night."

"You must have been mistaken. There are no ghosts."

"But I saw something," insisted the boy.[Pg 39]


"Right at the foot of the bed. It was all white."

"When was this?"

"Right in the middle of the night."

"Did you see it come in, or go out?"

"No, mamma. When I woke up it was standing there, and when I took a second look at it, it was gone."

"You must have been suffering from a nightmare, Bert," said Mrs. Bobbsey kindly. "You should not have eaten those nuts before going to bed."

"No, it wasn't a nightmare," said the boy.

He had but little to say while eating breakfast, but on the way to school he told Nan, while Freddie and Flossie listened also.

"Oh, Bert, supposing it was a real ghost?" cried Nan, taking a deep breath. "

Kailey (Luminous Libro) 01/16/2021
The Bobbsey twins have fun around Christmas time, building snow forts, racing an ice boat, and skating with their friends. Freddie and Flossie go shopping for Christmas presents with their mother, and Nan and Bert have trouble with a bully at school. When spring arrives, the twins go flying a kite,
Brian 01/19/2019
Reading this was like eating a marshmallow peep or Little Debbie cake.
Charlotte 09/06/2011
While most books in the 1001
childrens books series are timeless, The Bobbsey Twins is definitly of a time. Unfortunately this time is one of segregation and racism.

For example: The twins sort their dolls- the best doll had blond hair and blue eyes, the worst doll is black and dirty and named jujube

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