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The Book of the Damned

Charles Hoy Fort

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The Book of the Damned | Charles Hoy Fort

The Book of the Damned

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The Book of the Damned was the first published nonfiction work of the author Charles Fort. Dealing with various types of anomalous phenomena including UFOs, strange falls of both organic and inorganic materials from the sky, odd weather patterns, the possible existence of creatures generally held to be mythological, disappearances of people under strange circumstances, and many other phenomena, the book is historically considered to be the first written in the specific field of anomalistics.

Whatever it may have been—

Altogether, most of our difficulties are problems that we should leave to later developers of super-geography, I think. A discoverer of America should leave Long Island to someone else. If there be, plying back and forth from Jupiter and Mars and Venus, super-constructions that are sometimes wrecked, we think of fuel as well as cargoes. Of course the most convincing data would be of coal falling from the sky: nevertheless, one does suspect that oil-burning engines were discovered ages ago in more advanced worlds—but, as I say, we should leave something to our disciples—so we'll not especially wonder whether these butter-like or oily substances were food or fuel. So we merely note that in the Scientific American, 24-323, is an account of hail that fell, in the middle of April, 1871, in Mississippi, in which was a substance described as turpentine.

Something that tasted like orange water, in hailstones, about the first of June, 1842, near Nîmes, France; identified as nitric acid (Jour. de Pharmacie, 1845-273).

Hail and ashes, in Ireland, 1755 (Sci. Amer., 5-168).

That, at Elizabeth, N.J., June 9, 1874, fell hail in which was a substance, said, by Prof. Leeds, of Stevens Institute, to be carbonate of soda (Sci. Amer., 30-262).

We are getting a little away from the lines of our composition, but it will be an important point later that so many extraordinary falls have occurred with hail. Or—if they were of substances that had had origin upon some other part of this earth's surface—had the hail, too, that origin? Our acceptance here will depend upon the number of instances. Reasonably enough, some of the things that fall to this earth should coincide with falls of hail.

As to vegetable substances in quantities so great as to suggest lost cargoes, we have a note in the Intellectual Obser

Harry 09/08/2024
I started this book thinking Fort was some kind of proto-Alex Jones, 20th century conspiracy theorist, but I was missing the point. Fort doesn't actually believe the theories he puts forwards, he doesn't believe in a Super-Sargasso Sea, he doesn't believe in an extinct race of diminunitive fairies,
Tom 01/07/2019
"Bizarre" and "disturbing".

It is a shame that this book wasn't written by someone with a better writing style, as it was difficult to follow his train of thought. I have read few books that start so many paragraphs with the word "That".

And yet the citations of mysterious sky droppings certainly lea
Tentatively, 08/09/2016
Some people dismiss Fort as an unscientific crank, some people embrace him whole-heartedly as a reporter of the paranormal, others just love him as a champion of the ABnormal. I like his language - wch may generally go undercommented on as people pay more attn to the more spectacular "Fortean" pheno
Francis 05/04/2016
We are still in Fortean Times

The Book of the Damned (first published in 1919) covers records and reports of odd and freak occurrences from around the world that were at the time, and mostly still are, unexplained.

UFOs and all

We are talking freak weather - rains that dumped small animals and inanima

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