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Chocolate and Cocoa Recipes and Home Made Candy Recipes

Maria Parloa and Janet McKenzie Hill

Book Overview: 

A selection of chocolate recipes which were produced for Walter Baker & Co, the oldest producer of chocolate in the United States.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . . a pitcher, holding high the vessel from which you pour. This will give a thick froth. Serve at once.

If you prefer not to have the chocolate thick, omit the cornstarch. If condensed milk is used, substitute water for the milk named above and add three tablespoonfuls of condensed milk when the chocolate is added.


Use four ounces of Walter Baker & Co.'s Vanilla Chocolate, one quart of milk, three tablespoonfuls of hot water, and one tablespoonful of sugar.

Cut the chocolate in fine bits. Put the milk on the stove in the double-boiler, and when it has been heated to the boiling point, put the chocolate, sugar and water in a small iron or granite-ware pan, and stir over a hot fire until smooth and glossy. Stir this mixture into the hot milk, and beat well with a whisk. Serve at once, putting a tablespoonful of whipped cream in each cup and then filling. . . Read More