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Cleek: the Man of the Forty Faces

Thomas W. Hanshew

121 ratings
Cleek: the Man of the Forty Faces | Thomas W. Hanshew

Cleek: the Man of the Forty Faces

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Meet Hamilton Cleek – man of mystery, and master of disguise and do-derring.

Cleek’s exploits are, to say the least, highly improbable, but the book is enormous fun. The goodies are good and the baddies are very bad indeed, but beware – things are not always what they seem. Suspend your disbelief and enjoy a rattling good yarn!

handed it to Dollops, and then fairly jumped into his clothes. Ten minutes later, he was out of the house, and—the end of the riddle was in sight.


On the morrow, Mrs. Bawdrey made known the rather surprising piece of news that Mr. Rickaby had written her a note to say that he had received a communication of such vital importance that he had been obliged to leave the house that morning before anybody was up, and might not be able to return to it for several days.

"No very great hardship in that, my dear," commented Mrs. Somerby-Miles, "for a more stupid and uninteresting person I never encountered. Fancy! he never even offered to assist the gentlemen to get poor Mr. Bawdrey upstairs last night. How is the poor old dear this morning, darling? Better?"

"Yes—much," said Mrs. Bawdrey, in reply. "Doctor Phillipson came to the house before four o'clock, and brought some wonderful new medicine that has simply worked wonders. Of course, he will have to stop in bed and be perfectly quiet for three or four days; but, although the attack was by far the worst he has ever had, the doctor feels quite confident that he will pull him safely through."

Now although, in the light of her apparent affection for her aged husband, she ought, one would have thought, to be exceedingly happy over this, it was distinctly noticeable that she was nervous and ill at ease, that there was a hunted look in her eyes, and that, as the day wore on, these things seemed to be accentuated. More than that, there seemed added proof of the truth of young Bawdrey's assertion that she and Captain Travers were in league with each other, for that day they were constantly together, constantly getting off into out-of-the-way places, and constantly talking in an undertone of something that seemed to worry them.

Even whe

Mike 01/02/2024
This was a recommendation from my wife, who listens to a lot of older books on Librevox.

Cleek is a classic pulp hero: he has an unlikely power, which is to be able to reshape his face without using makeup or prosthetics so that he can look completely different (and can even look like other people,
Ace 12/24/2021
Series of adventures and mysteries loosely strung together in a book. Too many are the same story but a couple are very clever.
Desert 06/08/2020
This is the story of Cleek, a man who was born with the ability of face shifting, he used his talent for a life of crime and did not turn away until he met Mrs. Lorne, during one of his heists, at once he gave up his life of crime and determined to become a man worthy of her, he joined the police as
Ejayen 04/13/2020
Although this is a lovely beginning to this great detective. I have to give it four stars.
Reasons for the low rating?
Dollops reaction to Cleek swimming. That was so uncomfortable to listen to.
What happens in the epilogue. First of all, he starves a dog. Secondly, it tells who Cleek is.
Kat 01/15/2018
It's got some great phrases, and cases that mostly seem fair to me. It's also got casual racism and animal abuse. 2.75 stars, and only seeing it in the context of its age.
John 07/04/2017
Unusually for me I abandoned this one two thirds of the way through. This is basically a collection of short stories loosely joined together to form a novel. The stories are very formulaic and become boring after a while. Cleek is just too clever to be true. Won't be rushing to read any more.

Two sta

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