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Colonel Quaritch, V.C.

Henry Rider Haggard

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Colonel Quaritch, V.C. | Henry Rider Haggard

Colonel Quaritch, V.C.

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This is the tale of an ancient family’s struggles to survive, one woman’s selflessness and another’s evil schemes; Two Gentlemen, two scoundrels and one very underestimated, loyal servant.

ly to Cossey and Son for the loan. Indeed, considering how long and intimate has been the connection between their house and the de la Molle family, I think it right and proper to do so; indeed, I should consider it very wrong of me if I neglected to give them the opportunity of the investment"—here a faint smile flickered for an instant on Mr. Quest's face and then went out—"of course they will, as a matter of business, require security, and very properly so, but as this estate is unentailed, there will fortunately be very little difficulty about that. You can draw up the necessary deeds, and I think that under the circumstances the right thing to do would be to charge the Moat Farm specifically with the amount. Things are bad enough, no doubt, but I can hardly suppose it possible under any conceivable circumstances that the farm would not be good for five thousand pounds. However, they might perhaps prefer to have a general clause as well, and if it is so, although I consider it quite unnecessary, I shall raise no objection to that course."

Then at last Mr. Quest broke his somewhat ominous silence.

"I am very sorry to say, Mr. de la Molle," he said gently, "that I can hold out no prospect of Cossey and Son being induced, under any circumstances, to advance another pound upon the security of the Honham Castle estates. Their opinion of the value of landed property as security has received so severe a shock, that they are not at all comfortable as to the safety of the amount already invested."

Mr. de la Molle started when he heard this most unexpected bit of news, for which he was totally unprepared. He had always found it possible to borrow money, and it had never occurred to him that a time might perhaps come in this country, when the land, which he held in almost superstitious veneration, would be so valueless a form of property that lenders would refuse it as security.

Katherine 10/22/2024
A different book from those I've read of Haggard's, this was set in 19th century England. A retired Colonel settles in a house his aunt has bequeathed him and then becomes involved with the daughter of an aristocrat who has a castle in his family. But the father is threatened with foreclosure by law
Anicius 09/24/2020
I've read a lot of Rider Haggard. Colonel Quaritch is a little unusual for him, in that it is a third-person narrative that spends a lot of effort developing characters other than the Colonel himself. I enjoyed it but found myself pushing rather quickly through through some of the poetic flights and
Sydney 09/20/2018
I love this book, partly because it's so deliciously late-Victorian drama, partly because it came with illustrations! An amusing mystery with a rain-soaked embrace (shocking!) an arranged marriage and buried treasure! What more could one ask for?!
Joseph 05/28/2018
Another of Haggard's Victorian melodrama/romances. In this case, we have the eponymous Colonel Quaritch, retired to the country at the ripe old age of 44, who is smitten by Ida, the 27 year old daughter (and why isn't she already married at that rather advanced age?) of his neighbor, the Squire de l
Sandy 08/18/2011
Almost 120 years before British author J.K. Rowling faced the pressure and the problem of how to follow a string of phenomenally successful novels, another British writer was faced with the same dilemma. H. Rider Haggard, between the years 1885 and 1887, had come out with four of the most popular no

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