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Dangerous Days

Mary Roberts Rinehart

263 ratings
Dangerous Days | Mary Roberts Rinehart

Dangerous Days

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Dangerous Days opens in a still neutral America, though within a year the country will have joined the European alliance against the Central Powers in the first world war. Clayton Spencer, a successful industrialist and owner of a munitions plant, finds himself facing several problems: not only anarchism and German sabotage, but also the prospect of a deteriorating marriage, and of a son who all too often shares his mother's frivolous and essentially self-concerned point of view. How far will America's entry into the war change such views? What will it mean for Spencer, for his family, and for his business?
ll arrange not to run over the estimate. It is being pretty expensive as it is. But after all, success doesn't mean anything, unless we are going to get something out of it."

They were closer together that evening than they had been for months. And at last he fell to talking about the mill. Natalie, curled up on the chaise longue in her boudoir, listened attentively, but with small comprehension as he poured out his dream, for himself now, for Graham later. A few years more and he would retire. Graham could take hold then. He might even go into politics. He would be fifty then, and a man of fifty should be in his prime. And to retire and do nothing was impossible. A fellow went to seed.

Eyes on the wood fire, he talked on until at last, roused by Natalie's silence, he glanced up. She was sound asleep.

Some time later, in his dressing-gown and slippers, he came and roused her. She smiled up at him like a drowsy child.

"Awfully tired," she said. "Is Graham in?"

"Not yet."

She held up her hands, and he drew her to her feet.

"You've been awfully dear about the house," she said. And standing on tiptoe, she kissed him on the cheek. Still holding both her hands, he looked down at her gravely.

"Do you really think that, Natalie?"

"Of course."

"Then—will you do something in return?"

Her eyes became shrewd, watchful.

"Anything in reason."

"Don't, don't, dear, make Graham afraid of me."

"As if I did! If he is afraid of you, it is your own fault"

"Perhaps it is. But I try—good God, Natalie, I do try. He needs a curb now and then. All boys do. But if we could only agree on it—don't you see how it is now?" he asked, trying to reason gently with her. "All the discipline comes from me, all the indulgence from you. And—I don't want to lose my boy, my dear."

Steve 01/04/2022
The plot is simple, but the characters are as foreign to us 100 years later as those in a Masterpiece Theater presentation, even though it's set in Pittsburgh in 1916-1918. Rich industrialist, feckless wife, strong women, weak son, all as the country moves towards entry in World War I.

In fact, this
Jeff 05/21/2018
Generally considered to be the American Agatha Christie, Rinehart's fiction goes beyond mysteries. This is the second book of hers that I've read that concerns itself with America's involvement in World War I. While The Amazing Interlude focused on the debate over American involvement in the War, th
Susan 03/10/2016
I loved this book. It was suspenseful, to say the least. Characters so well-drawn. I fell in love with one of the characters, and certainly cared about lots of the characters. I love this writer. It's an older book, copyright 1919! An oldie but a goodie.
Sophie 11/13/2014
This was an interesting glimpse into what American life was like in the run up to World War I. I learned some things--such as that sabotage was a very real threat in those days--and appreciated Rinehart's perspective on the attitudes of the time, both for and against entering the war. This was an in

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