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David and the Phoenix

Edward Ormondroyd

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David and the Phoenix | Edward Ormondroyd

David and the Phoenix

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David knew that one should be prepared for anything when one climbs a mountain, but he never dreamed what he would find that June morning on the mountain ledge. There stood an enormous bird, with a head like an eagle, a neck like a swan, and a scarlet crest. The most astonishing thing was that the bird had an open book on the ground and was reading from it!

This was David’s first sight of the fabulous Phoenix and the beginning of a pleasant and profitable partnership. The Phoenix found a great deal lacking in David’s education — he flunked questions like “How do you tell a true from a false Unicorn?” — and undertook to supplement it with a practical education, an education that would be a preparation for Life. The education had to be combined with offensive and defensive measures against a Scientist who was bent on capturing the Phoenix, but the two projects together involved exciting and hilarious adventures for boy and bird.
The thought gave him a sinking feeling. After all, it was summer—and summer was supposed to be vacation time.

"And what an education it will be!" the Phoenix went on, ignoring his question. "Absolutely without equal! The full benefit of my vast knowledge, plus a number of trips to—"

"Oh, traveling!" said David, suddenly feeling much better. "That's different. Oh, Phoenix, that'll be wonderful! Where will we go?"

"Everywhere, my boy!" said the Phoenix, with an airy wave of its wing. "To all corners of the earth. We shall visit my friends and acquaintances."

"Oh, do you have—"

"Of course, my boy! I am nothing if not a good mixer. My acquaintances (to mention but a few) include Fauns, Dragons, Unicorns, Trolls, Gryffins, Gryffons, Gryffens—"

"Excuse me," David interrupted. "What were those last three, please?"

"Gryffins," explained the Phoenix, "are the small, reddish, friendly ones. Gryffons are the quick-tempered proud ones. Gryffens—ah, well, the most anyone can say for them is that they are harmless. They are very stupid."

"I see," said David doubtfully. "What do they look like?"[39]

"Each looks like the others, my boy, except that some are bigger and some are smaller. But to continue: Sea Monsters, Leprechauns, Rocs, Gnomes, Elves, Basilisks, Nymphs—ah—and many others. All are of the Better Sort, since, as I have many times truly observed, one is known by the company one keeps. And your education will cost you nothing. Of course it would be agreeable if you could supply me with cookies from time to time."

"As many as you want, Phoenix. Will we go to Africa?"

"Naturally, my boy. Your education will include—"

"And Egypt? And China? And Arab

Liana 03/20/2017
This story is AMAZINGGGG!!!! What a hidden gem! How is this book not more well known? It's the best thing that I've read in a long while. To think that it's geared towards children... I say that this book is for the whole family to enjoy. It's loaded with adventure, humor, suspense, MYTHICAL CREATUR
Erik 10/16/2011
Other than Dr. Seuss' Cat in the Hat, this may have been the first book I ever read on my own. It left an indelible impression and would occasionally mentioned in conversations about reading and childhood over the years. Unlike the Seuss, it was what kids nowadays call "a chapter book"--no pictures
Margo 01/27/2011
This is one of my childhood favorites and now I'm reading it to my kids. My copy is seriously old - I think 1960's - and I was THRILLED to discover that it's not only on Goodreads, but there is a sort of small cult following for it!

Do you know the difference between a gryffin, gryffon and a gryffen?
Erin 07/14/2007
I am so glad that "David and the Phoenix" has been republished because my family has fought over our tattered, yellow copy for years. It is a FANTASTIC book. Well-written fantasy. Wonderful imagery. Highly recommended.

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