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The Emerald City of Oz

L. Frank Baum

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The Emerald City of Oz | L. Frank Baum

The Emerald City of Oz

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The Emerald City of Oz was the sixth Oz book written by L. Frank Baum, a title he hoped would be the last. In this book, Dorothy and her impoverished Uncle Henry and Aunt Em are on the brink of losing their Kansas farm. Consequently, Ozma invites them all to live in the Emerald City. They then explore the countryside, visiting a series of strange beings including the Cuttenclips, the Fuddles, the Rigmaroles, the Flutterbudgets, and the residents of Utensia, Bunbury and Bunnybury. Aunt Em and Uncle Henry also meet old friends like the Wizard, the Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, Jack Pumpkinhead and H. M. Wogglebug T. E. The travelers’ idyll is brought short by the plot of an old enemy, the Nome King. Seeking revenge for the loss of his magic belt, the Nome King has an underground tunnel built so he can invade and plunder Oz and enslave its peoples. Our friends manage to defeat the Nome King and his allies, but sobered by this threat, Glinda and Ozma decide to cut off Oz from the outside world forever. Happily for Oz fans, forever lasted only three years. Baum invented a way to reopen communications with Oz and eight more Oz books were published.

"I'll talk to my people," said the Chief.


So he called a meeting of all the Whimsies and told them of the offer made by the Nomes. The creatures were delighted with the bargain, and at once agreed to fight for the Nome King and help him to conquer Oz.

One Whimsie alone seemed to have a glimmer of sense, for he asked:

"Suppose we fail to capture the Magic Belt? What will happen then, and what good will all our fighting do?"

But they threw him into the river for asking foolish questions, and laughed when the water ruined his pasteboard head before he could swim out again.

So the compact was made and General Guph was delighted with his success in gaining such powerful allies.

But there were other people, too, just as important as the Whimsies, whom the clever old Nome had determined to win to his side.


7. How Aunt Em Conquered the Lion

"These are your rooms," said Dorothy, opening a door.

Aunt Em drew back at the sight of the splendid furniture and draperies.

"Ain't there any place to wipe my feet?" she asked.

"You will soon change your slippers for new shoes," replied Dorothy. "Don't be afraid, Aunt Em. Here is where you are to live, so walk right in and make yourself at home."

Aunt Em advanced hesitatingly.

"It beats the Topeka Hotel!" she cried admiringly. "But this place is too grand for us, child. Can't we have some back room in the attic, that's more in our class?"

"No," said Dorothy. "You've got to live here, 'cause Ozma says so. And all the rooms in this palace are just as fine as these, and some are better. It won't do any good to fuss, Aunt Em. You've got to be swell and high-toned in the Land of Oz, whether you want to or not; so you may as well make up you

Jesse 01/02/2023
A comfort read taken up during a particularly protracted reading slump; just the type of low-stakes indulgence I needed & a pleasure to revisit. Remains in my estimation one of the strongest installments of the Oz series, the insurrection attempt by the Gnome King providing a structuring device & na
Bob 08/07/2022
Oz vs Nomes, round 2

Things in Kansas look terrible: Uncle Henry is likely to lose the farm. Dorothy gets Ozma, the beautiful, good queen, to transport her back to the Emerald City for good. Once there, she requests that Ozma bring her aunt and uncle, plain American folks from the prairies, to live i
Joe 01/24/2021
This is the sixth book in the Oz series so time for a recap:

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz- ****

The classic one. Also the most violent in the spirit of an old-fashioned fairy tale. The writing isn't as sharp as a few of the sequels, but the setup, otherworldly feel and clever lessons about self-criticis
Abigail 03/08/2019
Originally published in 1910, this sixth entry in L. Frank Baum's Oz series alternates between two main story-lines. In the first, Dorothy, Aunt Em and Uncle Henry confront hard times at home in Kansas, with poor weather and Uncle Henry's worsening health threatening the family farm, which is shortl
Marley 09/01/2007
Wow! Baum totally woke himself up out of the daze he'd been in for a couple of books and comes up with an awesome set of villains, some real sense of _stakes_ (not since "Ozma" had he really gone for that), this great country mouse/city mouse stuff with Aunt Em and Uncle Henry IN OZ, and even a cool

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