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Gold - A Summery Story
Mike Bozart
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Book Overview:
"Gold, a summer story, is an erotically charged, suspense-filled, film-noiresque, deceptive, highly unpredictable e-novel by Mike Bozart. It is set in North Carolina, primarily the Carolina Beach/Wilmington area. Charlotte, Raleigh, Fayetteville and Jacksonville (NC) also figure into the plot.
Various characters 'accidentally' find a pair of gold nuggets worth over a million dollars. However, they have a hard time converting the bouillon into cash. Is the gold... "
"Gold, a summer story, is an erotically charged, suspense-filled, film-noiresque, deceptive, highly unpredictable e-novel by Mike Bozart. It is set in North Carolina, primarily the Carolina Beach/Wilmington area. Charlotte, Raleigh, Fayetteville and Jacksonville (NC) also figure into the plot.
Various characters 'accidentally' find a pair of gold nuggets worth over a million dollars. However, they have a hard time converting the bouillon into cash. Is the gold... "
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