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Hand and Ring

Anna Katharine Green

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Hand and Ring | Anna Katharine Green

Hand and Ring

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Widow Clemmens is struck down in her parlor while the town's legal professionals chat outside the courthouse down the street. An investigation is made and two equally plausible suspects are quickly unearthed. But is either guilty? And what role does the mysterious Miss Imogene Dare play in this drama? A classic Green mystery notable particularly for the extended courtroom scenes in the second half of the book.
p>"You see, sir," he observed, "I was right when I told you I was not the man."

"I don't know," returned the other, rising. "I have not changed my opinion. The man they send may be very keen and very well-up in his business, but I doubt if he will manage this case any better than you would have done," and he moved quietly toward the door.

"Thank you for your too favorable opinion of my skill," said Mr. Byrd, as he bowed the other out. "I am sure the superintendent is right. I am not much accustomed to work for myself, and was none too eager to take the case in the first place, as you will do me the justice to remember. I can but feel relieved at this shifting of the responsibility upon shoulders more fitted to bear it."

Yet, when the coroner was gone, and he sat down alone by himself to review the matter, he found he was in reality more disappointed than he cared to confess. Why, he scarcely knew. There was no lessening of the shrinking he had always felt from the possible developments which an earnest inquiry into the causes of this crime might educe. Yet, to be severed in this way from all[84] professional interest in the pursuit cut him so deeply that, in despite of his usual good-sense and correct judgment, he was never nearer sending in his resignation than he was in that short half-hour which followed the departure of Dr. Tredwell. To distract his thoughts, he at last went down to the bar-room.




A hit, a very palpable hit.—Hamlet.

HE found it occupied by some half-dozen men, one of whom immediately attracted his attention, by his high-bred air and total absorption in the paper he was rea
Stifynsemons 01/07/2023
3.3 stars, I liked it and may read again

Mrs. Green constructs another complex and mystifying mystery with Hand and Ring. The murder story starts with a mysterious stranger relating how to commit a perfect crime to certain officials moments before just such a perfect crime is committed.

Ping ponging
claudia ruddy 04/27/2020
A bit melodramatic

This book is a product of it's time with the flowery prose but it is still a clever mystery complete with a master detective who steps in to cast a new light on all the evidence. I shall look for more of her books.
Susan 01/14/2020
1882. When a Mrs Clemmens is found attacked and consequently dies there seem to be a few suspects. But who will be brought to trial via some detective work, the telling of secrets and misdirection.
An enjoyable mystery
Drpsychorat 02/17/2019
A very clever, fast paced and engaging mystery. Plan to read more!
Cindy B. 10/05/2017
Enjoy the Grice series. Author's usual; long, end wrap up and intriguing plot. Nicely narrated by Richard Kilmer, recommended.
Joyce 07/18/2016
It's a bit lengthy and convoluted but interesting read. Set in Upstate New York, we follow a team of detectives and attorneys as they try to solve a murder. In the period preceding the advent of advanced forensics, the process is totally dependent on the skills and logic of the men tasked with bring
El 12/31/2014
Once again, I really liked a book by this author. Though Hand and Ring is set in the late 19th Century and with forensics not yet discovered, thorough and dogged detective work - by way of lots of red herrings - enables the perpetrator to be found in the end. With a manageable cast of suspects and d
Elisabeth 11/30/2012
This is classic Green, with lots of high drama and a twisting, many-layered plot turning on stubbornly kept secrets and the fine points of physical and circumstantial evidence. I thought I'd pinpointed the criminal at one point, but then it took another twist! Mr. Gryce appears only briefly, but his

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