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The History of Standard Oil

Ida M. Tarbell

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The History of Standard Oil | Ida M. Tarbell

The History of Standard Oil

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The History of the Standard Oil Company is an expose of the Standard Oil Company, run at that time by oil tycoon John D. Rockefeller, the richest figure in America's history. The book was a seminal example of muckraking, and inspired many other journalists to write about trusts, large businesses that (in the absence of strong antitrust law in the 19th century) attempted to gain monopolies in various industries. The History of the Standard Oil Company was credited with hastening the breakup of Standard Oil. ( Summary by Wikipedia )
Jabal 06/24/2022
Out of the gate the writer exposes the lack of morals practiced in the conduct of business
Järvi 02/09/2022
Great journalism. It is interesting that Rockefeller is classified as philanthropist - where is the public good when money is raked in literally over dead bodies and some crumbs are given out as hush payments? Psychopath is much better description, however not used by Tarbell. She tries to report fa
SHNILA 05/21/2020
One of the pioneers of investigative journalism aka Muckraking, this compilation of articles written by Ida Tarbell for McClure, shredding Standard Oil Company and John Rockefeller's monopolistic business practice is a magnificent work.

By the beginning of 20th century, the anti-competitive practice
Joseph 01/20/2020
This was a decent book about the pitfalls of capitalism in the late 1800s. I thought the author wrote too much at times (there are a shitload of typos also), but overall it was an interesting read for anyone interested in the history of monopolies (in oil) in the US.
Rohit 07/27/2014
OK, so I skipped over the annexures. But this book is a must-read for any business student and also for any business journalism student. Beautifully researched and put-together, it more than fulfills what it says on the cover; a History of the Standard Oil Company is what you'll get, from the POV of

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