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The Jewel of Seven Stars
Bram Stoker
Book Overview:
The Jewel of Seven Stars is a horror novel by Bram Stoker. The story is about an archaeologist’s plot to revive Queen Tera, an ancient Egyptian mummy.
The Jewel of Seven Stars is a horror novel by Bram Stoker. The story is about an archaeologist’s plot to revive Queen Tera, an ancient Egyptian mummy.
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As the time wore on, the silence and the darkness seemed to increase. The circle of light on the ceiling was still there, but it seemed less brilliant than at first. The green edging of the lamp-shade became like Maori greenstone rather than emerald. The sounds of the night without the house, and the starlight spreading pale lines along the edges of the window-cases, made the pall of black within more solemn and more mysterious.
We heard the clock in the corridor chiming the quarters with its silver bell till two o'clock; and then a strange feeling came over me. I could see from Miss Trelawny's movement as she looked round, that she also had some new sensation. The new detective had just looked in; we two were alone with the unconscious patient for another quarter of an hour.
My heart began to beat wildly. There was a sense. . . Read More
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Community Reviews
This book has two endings. When originally published in 1903 and in second publishing in 1904 it had an ending that was critics at the time as being too gruesome so when Stoker published it again,shortly before his death in 1912, he was forced by the publisher to add a new ending. I read this at Pro
Mumie, starożytna klątwa, epoka wiktoriańska w epoce największej egiptomanii, a wszystko to spod pióra Brama Stokera (ojca „Drakuli”!).
O „Klejnocie siedmiu gwiazd” można by pisać i pisać bez końca… To perła gotyku imperialnego, jedna z powieści, którą można analizować, rozbebeszać, pod lupą doszukiw
Serious European study of the ancient Egyptian past began with Napoleon's campaign in Egypt in 1798. He had brought with him a number of scholars and linguists interested in the budding science of archaeology, who returned to France with various artifacts including the Rosetta Stone, which subsequen
Yes, I know Bram Stoker is a god among the horror writers. Dracula is deservedly a classic if only for its vast influence. The Jewel of Seven Stars is considered the first modern mummy novel just as Dracula set the stage for every vampire novel to follow.
But I gotta say it.
Bram Stoker can't write wo
Una novela que, al menos para mí, pasa sin pena ni gloria. En el libro se pueden identificar dos momentos muy marcados: los primeros capítulos narran los misteriosos ataques que sufre el egiptólogo Ariel Trelawny en su casa, que lo han llevado casi a desangrarse y que lo mantienen inconsciente, mien
Set in Kensington with flashback into the Valley of the Sorcerer. A mysterious tomb is found. In the Great Experiment the forgotten Queen shall be brought back to life. Well, I really liked this story, it was a quick read and it had a fine gothic fin de siecle atmosphere. Clear recommendation!
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