I have not seen young Bailey: I suppose, he is in the Leviathan. By the parcel, I see, he is in the Canopus; and I can, at present, be of no use to him.
May 30th.
Charles is very much recovered.
I write you, this day, by Barcelona. Your dear phiz—but not the least like you—on the cup, is safe: but I would not use it, for the world; for, if it was broke, it would distress me very much.
Your letters, by Swift, I shall never get back. The French Consul, at Barcelona, is bragging that he has three pictures of you from the Swift.
I do not believe him; but, what if he had a hundred! Your resemblance is so deeply engraved in my heart, that there it can never be effaced: and, who knows? some day, I may have the happiness of having a living picture of you!
Old Mother L—— is a damned b——: but I do not understand what you mean, or what plan.
I am not surprised at my friend Kingsmill admiring you, and forgetting
Mary; he loves variety, and handsome women.
You touch upon the old Duke; but, I am dull of comprehension: believing you all my own, I cannot imagine any one else to offer, in any way.
We have enough, with prudence; and, without it, we should soon be beggars, if we had five times as much.
I see, Lord Stafford is going to oppose Mr. Addington; the present ministry cannot stand.
I wish Mr. Addington had given you the pension; Pitt, and hard-hearted
Grenville, never will.
What a fortune the death of Lord Camelford gives him!
Every thing you tell me about my dear Horatia charms me. I think I see her, hear her, and admire her; but, she is like her dear, dear mother.
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