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The Malay Archipelago - Volume 2

Alfred Russel Wallace

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The Malay Archipelago - Volume 2 | Alfred Russel Wallace

The Malay Archipelago - Volume 2

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A fascinating and classic Victorian ethnology of SE Asia. The author was co-discoverer of evolution, together with Darwin.
Tobo, and under the government of Banda, the surf was very heavy, owing to a strong westward swell. We therefore rounded the rocky point on which the village was situated, but found it very little better on the other side. We were obliged, however, to go on shore here; and waiting till the people on the beach had made preparations, by placing a row of logs from the water's edge on which to pull up our boats, we rowed as quickly as we could straight on to them, after watching till the heaviest surfs had passed. The moment we touched ground our men all jumped out, and, assisted by those on shore, attempted to haul up the boat high and dry, but not having sufficient hands, the surf repeatedly broke into the stern. The steepness of the beach, however, prevented any damage being done, and the other boat having both crews to haul at it, was got up without difficulty.

The next morning, the water being low, the breakers were at some distance from shore, and we had to watch for a smooth moment after bringing the boats to the water's edge, and so got safely out to sea. At the two next villages, Tobo and Ossong, we also took in fresh men, who came swimming through the surf; and at the latter place the Rajah came on board and accompanied me to Kissalaut, where he has a house which he lent me during my stay. Here again was a heavy surf, and it was with great difficulty we got the boats safely hauled up. At Amboyna I had been promised at this season a calm sea and the wind off shore, but in this case, as in every other, I had been unable to obtain any reliable information as to the winds and seasons of places distant two or three days' journey. It appears, however, that owing to the general direction of the island of Ceram (E.S.E. and W.N.W.), there is a heavy surf and scarcely any shelter on the south coast during the west monsoon, when alone a journey to the eastward can be safely made; while during the east monsoon, when I proposed to re

Sam 07/26/2022
I picked this book up at both the right and wrong time. Right, because it provided welcome respite from the decidedly mediocre writing I had at the time been obliged to read (work-related), and wrong, because it provided too welcome a distraction from that same uninspiring work-related writing. Beca
Mary 04/23/2020
A book that is as much fun to read as Voyage of the Beagle. The revolutionary ideas of Wallace and Darwin about the evolution of species were presented jointly, but only after Wallace had asked Darwin's opinion of his own exposition of the proposition. This book gives an account of the several years
Trish 03/22/2019
For 8 years, from 1854 to 1862, Alfred Russel Wallace journeyed to the southern portion of the Malay Archipelago including Malaysia, Singapore, the islands of Indonesia (then known as the Dutch East Indies) and the island of New Guinea, travelling over 14.000 miles.

But the 2 volumes he wrote about h
Dedi 03/08/2018
3,5 stars!
a nice insight on natural and sociological condition of Indonesia (and the sorrounding area) in the late 1800s.
Archer 06/10/2008
This has been permanently shelved for the time being. A brief note: from what I read, one of the more interesting aspects were the pure imperial aspects and different attitudes of the time. This man was, in as much as we could say of that era, a naturalist. Yet, the way he enacted this was more or l

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