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Max Carrados

Ernest Bramah

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Max Carrados | Ernest Bramah

Max Carrados

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Max Carrados is a blind detective who has developed his own remaining senses to a superior level and who has enlisted the superior observations skills of his butler to fill in for any deficiency of his own. His visual deficiency is no obstacle to solving the most difficult cases. As with some better known sleuths, Mr. Carrados' feats amaze, entertain and satisfy.
claimed Drishna, dropping his affectation of unconcern as though electrified by the word, “do you mean—really blind—that you do not see me?”

“Alas, no,” admitted Carrados.

The Indian withdrew his right hand from his coat pocket and with a tragic gesture flung a heavy revolver down on the table between them.

“I have had you covered all the time, Mr Carrados, and if I had wished to go and you or your friend had raised a hand to stop me, it would have been at the peril of your lives,” he said, in a voice of melancholy triumph. “But what is the use of defying fate, and who successfully evades his destiny? A month ago I went to see one of our people who reads the future and sought to know the course of certain events. ‘You need fear no human eye,’ was the message given to me. Then she added: ‘But when the sightless sees the unseen, make your peace with Yama.’ And I thought she spoke of the Great Hereafter!”

“This amounts to an admission of your guilt,” exclaimed Mr Carlyle practically.

“I bow to the decree of fate,” replied Drishna. “And it is fitting to the universal irony of existence that a blind man should be the instrument. I don’t imagine, Mr Carlyle,” he added maliciously, “that you, with your eyes, would ever have brought that result about.”

“You are a very cold-blooded young scoundrel, sir!” retorted Mr Carlyle. “Good heavens! do you realize that you are responsible for the death of scores of innocent men and women?”

“Do you realise, Mr Carlyle, that you and your Government and your soldiers are responsible for the death of thousands of innocent men and women in my country every day? If England was occupied by the Germans who quartered an army and an administration with their wives and their families and all

Dennis 12/30/2020
Imagine Sherlock Holmes with a better sense of humor, an addiction to rare coin collecting instead of cocaine, a smarmy PI as his Watson, and his own answer to Lord Peter Wimsey's Mervyn Bunter. Also, imagine him blind, but with every other sense sharpened. Now you have Max Carrados.

I first ran into
Elisabeth 08/09/2016
3.5 stars. Entertaining, well-written Edwardian-era detective short stories. The main characters aren't too deeply developed, and occasionally a story ends abruptly enough to leave you wondering what became of some of the participants after all, but if you enjoy this style of classic mystery they're

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