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Miss Billy's Decision

Eleanor H. Porter

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Miss Billy's Decision | Eleanor H. Porter

Miss Billy's Decision

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When Miss Billy closed, Miss Billy and Bertram were happily engaged. In this first sequel to Miss Billy, will the path to wedded bliss run smooth or will misunderstandings and heartache cross their path? Find out in “Miss Billy’s Decision”!
eir chairs, though Aunt Hannah had reached for the pink shawl near her—the music had sent little shivers down her spine. Cyril, with Marie, had slipped into the little reception-room across the hall, ostensibly to look at some plans for a house, although—as everybody knew—they were not intending to build for a year.

Bertram, still sitting stiffly erect in his chair, was not conscious of a vague irritation now. He was conscious of a very real, and a very decided one—an irritation that was directed against himself, against Billy, and against this man, Arkwright; but chiefly against music, per se. He hated music. He wished he could sing. He wondered how long it took to teach a man to sing, anyhow; and he wondered if a man could sing—who never had sung.

At this point the duet came to an end, and Billy and her guest left the piano. Almost at once, after this, Arkwright made his very graceful adieus, and went off with his suit-case to the hotel where, as he had informed Aunt Hannah, his room was already engaged.

William went home then, and Aunt Hannah went up-stairs. Cyril and Marie withdrew into a still more secluded corner to look at their plans, and Bertram found himself at last alone with Billy. He forgot, then, in the blissful hour he spent with her before the open fire, how he hated music; though he did say, just before he went home that night:

"Billy, how long does it take—to learn to sing?"

"Why, I don't know, I'm sure," replied Billy, abstractedly; then, with sudden fervor: "Oh, Bertram, hasn't Mr. Mary Jane a beautiful voice?"

Bertram wished then he had not asked the question; but all he said was:

"'Mr. Mary Jane,' indeed! What an absurd name!"

"But doesn't he sing beautifully?"

"Eh? Oh, yes, he sings all right," said Bertram's tongue. Bertram's manner said: "Oh, yes, anybody can sing."

Julia 06/07/2018
Another cute story from Eleanor H. Porter. I am enjoying listening to the books written by her. They are old fashioned and fun. I don't have to worry about being surprised by foul language or topics that are in poor taste. Just sweet innocent fun and some silly human behaviors when it comes to the w
Sarah 10/31/2017
This book was better than the first, mostly because the characters seemed better developed and more engaging. There was a bit too much drama, but overall I like Billy well enough to carry it through. While the Miss Billy books haven't been as charming as the Pollyanna books, they have still been ple
Beth 06/09/2017
The second of the three Miss Billy books is just as sweet and innocent as the first one. I enjoyed reading it, but by the end, I was getting quite frustrated with people being at cross-purposes, both Billy and Bertram and the added misunderstandings between Arkwright and Alice. I still enjoy seeing
Mary 01/07/2013
I first read this book maybe ten years ago? I liked the whole trilogy that time. I decided to re-read them last week and have gone through the first two. I found the first a bit tiresome, sadly. This one was a bit perkier and made me feel better about revisiting the series.

Anyhow, onto the book itse

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