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Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome

E.M. Berens

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Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome | E.M. Berens

Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome

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This is a comprehensive collection of all the major and minor gods of Rome and Greece, with descriptions of festivals and re-telling of major mythological stories.
exerted a more decided influence over the Greek nation, than that of any other deity, not excepting Zeus himself.

Apollo was the son of Zeus and Leto, and was born beneath the shade of a palm tree which grew at the foot of Mount Cynthus, on the barren and rocky island of Delos. The poets tell us that the earth smiled when the young god first beheld the light of day, and that Delos became so proud and exultant at the honour thus conferred upon her, that she covered herself with golden flowers; swans surrounded the island, and the Delian nymphs celebrated his birth with songs of joy.


The unhappy Leto, driven to Delos by the relentless persecutions of Hera, was not long permitted to enjoy her haven of refuge. Being still tormented by her enemy, the young mother was once more obliged to fly; she therefore resigned the charge of her new-born babe to the goddess Themis, who carefully wrapped the helpless infant in swaddling-clothes, and fed him with nectar and ambrosia; but he had no sooner partaken of the heavenly food than, to the amazement of the goddess, he burst asunder the bands which confined his infant limbs, and springing to his feet, appeared before her as a full-grown youth of divine strength and beauty. He now demanded a lyre and a bow, declaring that henceforth he would announce to mankind the will of his father Zeus. "The golden lyre," said he, "shall be my friend, the bent bow my delight, and in oracles will I foretell the dark future." With these words he ascended to Olympus, where he was received with joyful acclamations into the assembly of the celestial gods, who acknowledged him as the most beautiful and glorious of all the so

Parmida R. A. 01/07/2022
Myths and Legends of Ancient Greece and Rome by E. M. Berens is a mine of information about the lineage of the gods, forms of worship, festivals and temples devoted to them.

Written in an easy and light style, the author attempts to bring the pantheon of gods into a comprehensible format. He organize
Conor 04/21/2021
I read this book through Better Morning Reading, which sends you a chapter of a book every morning by email. Not a bad way to consume a book, but this one was a bit dry and didn't really divulge too much of interest that I didn't already know. Still, I picked it for its short chapters so I suppose I
R. 10/24/2014
This is a well researched and essential book for anyone trying to learn more in real depth about the religious beliefs of the Greeks and Romans. It doesn't go into any great depth in any one area but what it does is cover all ridiculous numbers of the Gods and Godesses of both Pantheons. I honestly
Tommy /|\ 04/10/2013
What an embarrassing piece of work. Berens litters most of the retellings of the myths and legends with his over-arching commentary on how each mythological tale and archetype is essentilly the work of a "savage", "crude" or "unrefined" civilization.

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