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The Observer
Bill Russo
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Book Overview:
There is a dark chamber in the mind of every person where their deepest secrets are hidden away from friends, neighbors, and even themselves.For some individuals the door to this secluded room is slammed shut and locked tight by the conscious mind – never to be revisited.For others the gateway never fully closes and the horrors revisit them with increasing frequency until they take a rope, a knife, a gun, or perhaps too many pills in a fatal attempt to seal the portal.The Observer tells of a person of the first category - a man who buried his transgressions so deeply that he had no idea that he was a monster.
There is a dark chamber in the mind of every person where their deepest secrets are hidden away from friends, neighbors, and even themselves.For some individuals the door to this secluded room is slammed shut and locked tight by the conscious mind – never to be revisited.For others the gateway never fully closes and the horrors revisit them with increasing frequency until they take a rope, a knife, a gun, or perhaps too many pills in a fatal attempt to seal the portal.The Observer tells of a person of the first category - a man who buried his transgressions so deeply that he had no idea that he was a monster.
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