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Paradise Regained

John Milton

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Paradise Regained | John Milton

Paradise Regained

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Paradise Regained is a poem by the 17th century English poet John Milton. It is connected by name to his earlier and more famous epic poem Paradise Lost, with which it shares similar theological themes. Based on the Gospel of Luke’s version of the Temptation of Christ, Paradise Regained is more thoughtful in writing style, and thrives upon the imagery of Jesus’ perfection in contrast to the shame of Satan.
br>   Copartner in these regions of the World,
  If not disposer—lend them oft my aid,
  Oft my advice by presages and signs,
  And answers, oracles, portents, and dreams,
  Whereby they may direct their future life.
  Envy, they say, excites me, thus to gain
  Companions of my misery and woe!
  At first it may be; but, long since with woe
  Nearer acquainted, now I feel by proof 400
  That fellowship in pain divides not smart,
  Nor lightens aught each man's peculiar load;
  Small consolation, then, were Man adjoined.
  This wounds me most (what can it less?) that Man,
  Man fallen, shall be restored, I never more."
    To whom our Saviour sternly thus replied:—
  "Deservedly thou griev'st, composed of lies
  From the beginning, and in lies wilt end,
  Who boast'st release from Hell, and leave to come
  Into the Heaven of Heavens. Thou com'st, indeed, 410
  As a poor miserable captive thrall
  Comes to the place where he before had sat
  Among the prime in splendour, now deposed,
  Ejected, emptied, gazed, unpitied, shunned,
  A spectacle of ruin, or of scorn,
  To all the host of Heaven. The happy place
  Imparts to thee no happiness, no joy—
  Rather inflames thy torment, representing
  Lost bliss, to thee no more communicable;
  So never more in Hell than when in Heaven. 420
  But thou art serviceable to Heaven's King!
  Wilt thou impute to obedience what thy fear
  Extorts, or pleasure to do ill excites?
Moony 12/31/2021
I actually finished the whole thing!!! Was pretty epic.
Kris 08/22/2021
Like Dante: great literature, terrible theology.
I can see why everyone says Satan is the most interesting character. I was rather disappointed when he drops out of the story halfway through.
The passages about Eve's special susceptibility to sin particularly infuriated me. As if Adam wasn't just as v
B. P. 12/13/2017
[*I won't mark spoilers but will assume that if you read this you have read Paradise Lost or know the story of the creation of the world and the fall of man as recounted in the book of Genesis.]

"Some natural tears they dropp'd, but wip'd them soon;
The world was all before them, where to choose
Daniel 08/13/2017
I think this was my seventh reading of PL, only my second of Regained. I never get tired of them.

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