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Booth Tarkington

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Penrod | Booth Tarkington


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Join Penrod Schofield and his wistful dog Duke, in a hilarious romp through Indianapolis, chronicling his life and the trouble he gets into.
ouble delight, for he had not only the delicious sensation of rocketing safely up and up into the blue sky, but also that of standing in the crowd below, watching and admiring himself as he dwindled to a speck, disappeared and then, emerging from a cloud, came speeding down, with the baton in his hand, to the level of the treetops, where he beat time for the band and the vast throng and Marjorie Jones, who all united in the "Star-spangled Banner" in honour of his aerial achievements. It was a great moment.

It was a great moment, but something seemed to threaten it. The face of Miss Spence looking up from the crowd grew too vivid—unpleasantly vivid. She was beckoning him and shouting, "Come down, Penrod Schofield! Penrod Schofield, come down here!"

He could hear her above the band and the singing of the multitude; she seemed intent on spoiling everything. Marjorie Jones was weeping to show how sorry she was that she had formerly slighted him, and throwing kisses to prove that she loved him; but Miss Spence kept jumping between him and Marjorie, incessantly calling his name.

He grew more and more irritated with her; he was the most important person in the world and was engaged in proving it to Marjorie Jones and the whole city, and yet Miss Spence seemed to feel she still had the right to order him about as she did in the old days when he was an ordinary schoolboy. He was furious; he was sure she wanted him to do something disagreeable. It seemed to him that she had screamed "Penrod Schofield!" thousands of times.

From the beginning of his aerial experiments in his own schoolroom, he had not opened his lips, knowing somehow that one of the requirements for air floating is perfect silence on the part of the floater; but, finally, irritated beyond measure by Miss Spence's clamorous insistence, he was unable to restrain an indignant rebuke and immediately came to earth with a frightful bump.

Terris 09/16/2024
I loved this one so much! It is incredibly funny (Penrod is quite a character!) -- such a good children's book! And though I think children would think it is funny, I can't imagine that they could appreciate Booth Tarkington's amazing writing. He was a magician with words! I had to pay full attentio
Renee 11/12/2017
Excruciatingly tedious adventures of an annoying brat.
Maureen 12/08/2009
penrod is an amusing book. it's not laugh-out-loud funny but the misadventures of this inscrutable and bad boy are captivating, and knowing, and made me smile. tarkington lets us into the hallowed halls of an adolescent male mind which is itching for experiences, and wily in its meeting of any conse
Marcus 05/02/2009
This is one of the funniest books I have ever read. The only way to do it justice is by quoting it:

After Penrod (the 11 year old hero of the story) blurts out something he might have kept to himself:
Nothing is more treacherous than the human mind; nothing else so loves to play the Iscariot. Even whe

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