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The Prisoner of Zenda

Anthony Hope

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The Prisoner of Zenda | Anthony Hope

The Prisoner of Zenda

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The Prisoner of Zenda tells the story of Rudolf Rassendyll, an English gentleman on holiday in Ruritania, a country not a thousand miles from Bavaria. There, by reason of his resemblance to the King of Ruritania he becomes involved in saving the King’s Life and his Throne from the King’s dastardly brother and his allies. Woods, moated castles, pomp, swordplay, gallantry, villainy and a beautiful princess. What story could ask for more?

The scene was very brilliant as we passed along the Grand Boulevard and on to the great square where the Royal Palace stood. Here I was in the midst of my devoted adherents. Every house was hung with red and bedecked with flags and mottoes. The streets were lined with raised seats on each side, and I passed along, bowing this way and that, under a shower of cheers, blessings, and waving handkerchiefs. The balconies were full of gaily dressed ladies, who clapped their hands and curtsied and threw their brightest glances at me. A torrent of red roses fell on me; one bloom lodged in my horse's mane, and I took it and stuck it in my coat. The Marshal smiled grimly. I had stolen some glances at his face, but he was too impassive to show me whether his sympathies were with me or not.

"The red rose for the Elphbergs, Marshal," said I gaily, and he nodded.

I have written "gaily," and a strange word it must seem. But the truth is, that I was drunk with excitement. At that moment I believed—I almost believed—that I was in very truth the King; and, with a look of laughing triumph, I raised my eyes to the beauty-laden balconies again . . . and then I started. For, looking down on me, with her handsome face and proud smile, was the lady who had been my fellow traveller—Antoinette de Mauban; and I saw her also start, and her lips moved, and she leant forward and gazed at me. And I, collecting myself, met her eyes full and square, while again I felt my revolver. Suppose she had cried aloud, "That's not the King!"

Well, we went by; and then the Marshal, turning round in his saddle, waved his hand, and the Cuirassiers closed round us, so that the crowd could not come near me. We were leaving my quarter and entering Duke Michael's, and this action of the Marshal's showed me more clearly than words what the state of feeling in the town must be. But if Fate made me a King, the least I coul

Henry 10/25/2023
Rudolf Rassendyll an Englishman, takes a vacation to Ruritania don't look on a map to find it, you won't. Set in the 1890's , a new king, is to be crowned, in this remote Eastern European nation. Rudolf is curious to see his distant cousin and look- alike, Rudolf the Fifth ( a century old family aff
Baba 11/21/2021
2021 read: Red headed, large nosed Rudolph Rassendyll (great name) has any uncanny resemblance to the adult heir to the Ruritanian throne, and by a quirk of fate is forced/agrees to impersonate him at his coronation after a failed coup! However, twists and turns result in Rudolph having to impersona
Amit 06/26/2019
It follows the swashbuckling adventures of Rudolf Rassendyll, an Englishman who bears a striking resemblance to the king of Ruritania.
AhmEd 05/15/2019
The Prisoner Of Zenda
A Great classic adventure
God save the king! both kings
Werner 09/08/2018
On a "raw and damp" morning in the England of 1733, according to the author's premise, a British nobleman named James Rassendyll fought a duel with a visiting prince of the House of Elphberg, the royal family of the (fictional) Central European country of Ruritania. Severely wounded, the prince retu
Sanjay 12/07/2016
It was not an interesting read, though it seemed to be at first. I started with some expectations but I soon realized I am going to be bored. Yet I kept reading; and did not stop till I finished the novel. Now, my reactions about the book are not all positive. The premise of the book, as seemed to m

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