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The Production of Vinegar from Honey
Gerard Bancks
Book Overview:
For table use, for sauces and salads, where delicacy of flavor is appreciated, and for medicinal purposes where pureness and wholesomeness are essential, I venture to say that no vinegar can be compared with that produced from Honey.
For table use, for sauces and salads, where delicacy of flavor is appreciated, and for medicinal purposes where pureness and wholesomeness are essential, I venture to say that no vinegar can be compared with that produced from Honey.
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These conditions require that the liquid shall contain alcohol, nitrogenous matter, and alkaline salts in certain proportions, and that it shall be in contact with the air, at a suitable temperature, for a sufficient length of time.
The researches of Pasteur showed the process of oxidation to be due to a microscopical fungus (mycoderma aceti), possessing the power of condensing oxygen and conveying it to the fermentable substance. This organism, which is a true bacterium, as the fermentation proceeds, forms a leathery membrane (slightly differing according to the substance fermenting) on the surface of the liquor, which constitutes the so-called mother of vinegar, or vinegar plant.
The oxidation of alcohol into acetic acid can also be performed independently of the organic agent. Finely div. . . Read More
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