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The Rainbow
D. H. Lawrence
Book Overview:
The Rainbow follows three generations of the Brangwen family, particularly focusing on the sexual dynamics of, and relations between, the characters.
The Rainbow follows three generations of the Brangwen family, particularly focusing on the sexual dynamics of, and relations between, the characters.
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To this she had reduced her husband. He existed with her entirely indifferent to the general values of the world. Her very ways, the very mark of her eyebrows were symbols and indication to him. There, on the farm with her, he lived through a mystery of life and death and creation, strange, profound ecstasies and incommunicable satisfactions, of which the rest of the world knew nothing; which made the pair of them apart and respected in the English village, for they were also well-to-do.
But Anna was only half safe within her mother's unthinking knowledge. She had a mother-of-pearl rosary that had been her own father's. What it meant to her she could never say. But the string of moonlight and silver, when she had it between her fingers, filled her with strange passion. She learned at school a little Latin, she learned an Ave Maria and a Pater Noster, she learned how . . . Read More
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Community Reviews
Farty proto-fascist flapdoodle served up with a twist of hippy bollocks and garnished with enough of a patina of feminist sympathy for it to goosestep rapidly under some people's radar. Yes DH Lawrence could write. Somebody should have stopped him though.
D.H. Lawrence was one of the first who has begun to write openly about the awakening of sexual consciousness.
So they were together in a darkness, passionate, electric, for ever haunting the back of the common day, never in the light. In the light, he seemed to sleep, unknowing. Only she knew him whe
I first read D.H. Lawrence’s The Rainbow in Professor Peter Oppewal’s British and American Novels class when I was 19, and it was one of the books that led me to become an English major. It was a perfect book for someone my age, susceptible to both lush romanticism and some harsh social criticism. A
”The situation was almost ridiculous.
‘But do you love him?’ asked Dorothy.
‘It isn’t a question of loving him,’ said Ursula. ‘I love him well enough--certainly more than I love anybody else in the world. And I shall never love anybody else the same again. We have had the flower of each other. But I d