But it is no suche matter.
A handwritten note in the margin gives the previous half-line to âR. Roysterâ. This is probably correct.
M. Mery. What is it than?
Are ye in daunger of debte to any man?
If ye be, take no thought nor be not afraide,
Let them hardly take thought how they shall be paide.
R. Royster. Tut I owe nought.
M. Mery. What then? fear ye imprisonment?
R. Royster. No.
M. Mery. No I wist ye offende, not so to be shent.
But if he had, the Toure coulde not you so holde,
But to breake out at all times ye would be bolde.
What is it? hath any man threatned you to beate?
R. Royster. What is he that durst haue put me in that heate?
15He that beateth me by his armes shall well fynde,
That I will not be farre from him nor runne behinde.
M. Mery. That thing knowe all men euer since ye ouerthrewe,
The fellow of the Lion which Hercules slewe.
But what is it than?
R. Royster. Of loue I make my mone.
M. Mery. Ah this foolishe a loue, wilt neare let vs alone?
But bicause ye were refused the last day,
Ye sayd ye woulde nere more be intangled that way.
I woulde medle no more, since I fynde all so vnkinde.
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I was not the right audience.
Having said that, there is some clever stuff