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The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects

Edward J. Ruppelt

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The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects | Edward J. Ruppelt

The Report on Unidentified Flying Objects

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'Straight from the horse's mouth', as they say. Edward Ruppelt was the first head of the U.S. Air Force's Project Blue Book, the official project initiated to investigate UFO reports beginning in 1952. This report from 1956 takes us inside these initial investigations, separates fact from fiction, and gives insight into who, when, where, and how sightings were reported and researched in open-minded fashion (for which Ruppelt was renowned), rather than in the typical hushed and secretive (and censored) manner most often associated with government and military reports which are released to the public.
been doing a lot of thinking about this, they said, and they had a theory.

The green fireballs, they theorized, could be some type of unmanned test vehicle that was being projected into our atmosphere from a "spaceship" hovering several hundred miles above the earth. Two years ago I would have been amazed to hear a group of reputable scientists make such a startling statement. Now, however, I took it as a matter of course. I'd heard the same type of statement many times before from equally qualified groups.

Turn the tables, they said, suppose that we are going to try to go to a far planet. There would be three phases to the trip: out through the earth's atmosphere, through space, and the re-entry into the atmosphere of the planet we're planning to land on. The first two phases would admittedly present formidable problems, but the last phase, the re-entry phase, would be the most critical. Coming in from outer space, the craft would, for all practical purposes, be similar to a meteorite except that it would be powered and not free-falling. You would have myriad problems associated with aerodynamic heating, high aerodynamic loadings, and very probably a host of other problems that no one can now conceive of. Certain of these problems could be partially solved by laboratory experimentation, but nothing can replace flight testing, and the results obtained by flight tests in our atmosphere would not be valid in another type of atmosphere. The most logical way to overcome this difficulty would be to build our interplanetary vehicle, go to the planet that we were interested in landing on, and hover several hundred miles up. From this altitude we could send instrumented test vehicles down to the planet. If we didn't want the inhabitants of the planet, if it were inhabited, to know what we were doing we could put destruction devices in the test vehicle, or arrange the test so that the test vehicles would just plain burn up at a cert

M.R. 12/16/2023
Ruppelt led the US military's Project Bluebook investigation into the UFOs in the early '50s and here he goes into a number of specific cases in considerable detail as well as examining the overall picture. I felt that he had exactly the right approach in being sceptical but open-minded and he was o
Eric 04/23/2017
Half way through this, I was saddened that a job like Ruppelt's is no longer available to be had. Because leading a project like Project Blue Book would have been a blast. Despite the sure frustration of the subject matter, the late nights, lost weekends deep into the work and everything else that w
Erik 03/23/2015
By age ten I was getting into UFOs. There were stories about them in the papers and in such mainstream publications as Life and Look magazines. Books about them occupied more than a shelf at the Park Ridge Public Library and were prominently displayed on the revolving bookstands at the drugstores bo
Andy 07/02/2013
Captain Edward J. Ruppelt was the first director of Project Blue Book, and the man credited with coining the phrase UFO, Unidentified Flying Object. Anyone interested in the history of ufology should find this book fascinating, as it is a peek behind the curtain at the Air Force's initial attempts t
Steve 12/14/2011
The genuine granddaddy of all UFO books is also, after so many years (it was originally written in 1956), still one of best. But there are frustrating moments. As you read the book, you feel pulled in two directions. Captain Ruppelt's (Project Blue Book) voice is a compelling one, in part due to his

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