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The Riddle of the Sands

Erskine Childers

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The Riddle of the Sands | Erskine Childers

The Riddle of the Sands

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Containing many details based on Childers’ own sailing trips along the German North Sea coast, the book is the retelling of a yachting expedition in the early 20th century combined with an adventurous spy story.

The plot involves the uncovering of secret German preparations for an invasion of the United Kingdom.
boat, captain. So I have told you many times. How did you like Flensburg? A fine town, is it not? Did you find Herr Krank, the carpenter? I see you have placed a little mizzen-mast. The rudder was nothing much, but it was well that it held to the Eider. But she is strong and good, your little ship, and—Heaven!—she had need be so.' He chuckled, and shook his head at Davies as at a wayward child.

This is all the conversation that I need record. For my part I merely waited for its end, determined on my course, which was to know the truth once and for all, and make an end of these distracting mystifications. Davies plied his friend with coffee, and kept up the talk gallantly; but affectionate as he was, his manner plainly showed that he wanted to be alone with me.

The gist of the little skipper's talk was a parental warning that, though we were well enough here in the 'Ost-See', it was time for little boats to be looking for winter quarters. That he himself was going by the Kiel Canal to Hamburg to spend a cosy winter as a decent citizen at his warm fireside, and that we should follow his example. He ended with an invitation to us to visit him on the Johannes, and with suave farewells disappeared into the fog. Davies saw him into his boat, returned without wasting a moment, and sat down on the sofa opposite me.

'What did he mean?' I asked.

'I'll tell you,' said Davies, 'I'll tell you the whole thing. As far as you're concerned it's partly a confession. Last night I had made up my mind to say nothing, but when Bartels turned up I knew it must all come out. It's been fearfully on my mind, and perhaps you'll be able to help me. But it's for you to decide.'

'Fire away!' I said.

'You know what I was saying about the Frisian Islands the other day? A thing happened there which I never told you, when you were asking about my cruise.'

'It began near Norderney,' I put

Georgia 11/19/2023
Sand, sand, and more sand. But not the sand of Lawrence of Arabia's deserts. Baltic sands rise like u-boats then descend in a flash. They hide and appear. They do it again and again. They lurk to catch you out. Keep watch! This book reads like an extended scene from Hitchcock. Suspense is not, as th
Emma 03/17/2019
It's often credited with being the first spy novel, but The Riddle of the Sands was a rather dull affair. We follow two Englishmen in 1901 as they sail around Germany and stumble into a German plot.

The book had a very strong focus on sailing and a lot of text was spent describing yachting. It seeme
David 08/05/2007
Erskine Childers was shot by firing squad during the Irish civil war in 1922. According to Wikipedia, his last words were a joke at the expense of his executioners: "Take a step or two forward, lads. It will be easier that way."
His son was subsequently elected fourth president of Ireland in an upset

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