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Sanity Is Impossibility

Santosh Jha

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Book Overview: 

This is a dangerous book. It may shatter you beyond redemption. It may make you forfeit, continuity of comfort with your own being and the world you live. But, the rewards are mesmerizing. It unravels mysteries you thought humanity could never. It’s about universal yet elusive actuality of Reality and Humanity. It is about you, you never knew. Dig in, brave it, for prosperous 2020; lifelong bliss.Annihilation of humanity is inevitable as stupidities-hypocrisies embedded in consciousness and perception of Reality make Sanity an Impossibility. Intelligence has ‘Seeds’ of its own extinction. 21st century wisdom bares the mechanism-process of compulsive insanity of humanity. This in turn lists out, how an individual can attain Personal Sanity in life-living, even amid madness of milieus.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .The larger question is, ‘What is Reality?’ Is reality as real and actual as it seems or is made to accept? More important question is; does this question matter? It seems, it does matter and that is probably why best of human brains have engaged their lives over this question. Somehow, this happens to be the primary, core and cardinal basis of all other questions and answers of lifeliving in particular and humanity in general. The probability of a possible ‘Theory of Everything’, which explains all structures and functions around us beyond any reasonable doubts, rests on a singular and over-encompassing hypothesis about Reality. . . Read More