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Henry Stanton

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Sex | Henry Stanton


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Henry Stanton’s book Sex – Avoided Subjects Discussed in Plain English is intended as a frank guide to human sexual behavior and relationships. It is partly a self-help book, partly an attempt to relay the scientific knowledge of the day in relation to sex and reproduction in a way suitable for popular consumption.
ell may devour any amount of egg-protoplasma without losing its original paternal energy. As a rule a child inherits as many qualities from its mother as from its father.


Sex is determined after conception has taken place. At an early stage of the embryo certain cells are set apart. These, later, form the sex glands. Modern research claims to have discovered the secret of absolutely determining sex in the human embryo, but even if these claims are valid they have not as yet met with any general application.


Some twelve days after conception, the female ovule or egg, which has been impregnated by the male spermatazoön, escapes from the ovary where it was impregnated, and entering a tube (Fallopian) gradually descends by means of it into the cavity of the womb or uterus. Here the little germ begins to mature in order to develop into an exact counterpart of its parents. In the human being the womb has only a single cavity, and usually develops but a single embryo.


Sometimes two ovules are matured at the same time. If fecundated, two embryos instead of one will develop, producing twins. Triplets and quadruplets,[14] the results of the maturing of three or four ovules at the same time, occur more rarely. As many as five children have been born alive at a single birth, but have seldom lived for more than a few minutes.


The development of the ovule in the womb is known as gestation or pregnancy. The process is one of continued cell division and growth, and while it goes on the ovule sticks to the inner wall of the womb. There it is soon enveloped by a mucous membrane, which grows around it and incloses it.


The Primitive Trace, a delicate straight line appearing on the surface of the g

Kel 02/15/2022
Very old fashioned and a very traditional less modern approach.
Leander 03/03/2020
An orthodox view.
Girls shouldn't engage in premarital sex lest they be cursed.
Lauren 12/16/2019
Okay, this was written in the 20s, so I went in with the mindset to take everything with a grain of salt. But goddamn did this guy find a way to be progressive by encouraging poem conversation and shameless about sexuality while also being conservative af and just spreading church values of the time
Jerry 03/16/2017
Archaic and Horrible
Jen 04/18/2013
Fascinating... except that at times upsetting... It's a book written in 1922 about sex. I imagine it was revolutionary in its time. Much of it is so false, it would make me laugh if it wasn't for the fact that I know people who still think and believe some of the horrible falsehoods.

I used to belie
Thom 03/11/2012
I gave Sex by Henry Stanton four stars. One might think that the title would deserve nothing less but the title has very little to do with the work itself. Published in 1922, the book is based on facts and or suppositions that are either bogus or incomplete. It was, in my opinion, very humorous and
Jenna 01/06/2009
This book made me laugh. When I began to read it I did not know when it was written and half way through I finally figured out that it was written during the "flapper" times. There is good advice in the beginning about being open with your children about sex and giving them simple truths. Later on t

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