Thus admonished, the archer waved his gauntleted hand to his father, and digging his heels into the sides of his little pony soon drew up with the Squire. Nigel glanced over his shoulder and slackened speed until the pony's head was up to his saddle.
"Have I not heard, archer," said he, "that an outlaw has been loose in these parts?"
"It is true, fair sir. He was villain to Sir Peter Mandeville, but he broke his bonds and fled into the forests. Men call him the 'Wild Man of Puttenham.'"
"How comes it that he has not been hunted down? If the man be a draw-latch and a robber it would be an honorable deed to clear the country of such an evil."
"Twice the sergeants-at-arms from Guildford have come out against him, but the fox has many earths, and it would puzzle you to get him out of them."
"By Saint Paul! were my errand not a pressing one I would be tempted to turn aside and seek him. Where lives he, then?"
"There is a great morass beyond Puttenham, and across it there are caves in which he and his people lurk."
"His people? He hath a band?"
"There are several with him."
"It sounds a most honorable enterprise," said Nigel. "When the King hath come and gone we will spare a day for the outlaws of Puttenham. I fear there is little chance for us to see them on this journey."
"They prey upon the pilgrims who pass along the Winchester Road, and they are well loved by the folk in these parts, for they rob none of them and have an open hand for all who will help them."
"It is right easy to have an open hand with the money that you have stolen," said Nigel; "but I fear that they
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Adventurous, virtuous, kind, cunning, determined and lucky, Nigel travels to the wars (France) seeking to accomplish three feats and so win honor and the love of his promised.
It's all very quaint and collected, with death treated as nonchala