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A Strange Disappearance

Anna Katharine Green

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A Strange Disappearance | Anna Katharine Green

A Strange Disappearance

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Anna Katharine Green was an American poet and novelist. She was one of the first writers of detective fiction in America and distinguished herself by writing well plotted, legally accurate stories (no doubt assisted by her lawyer father).
ace matter.

Where, therefore, a few minutes later, Fanny announced that Mr. Blake had ordered a carriage to take him to the Charity Ball that evening, I determined to follow him and learn if possible what change had taken place in himself or his circumstances, to lead him into such an innovation upon his usual habits. Though the hour was late I had but little difficulty in carrying out my plan, arriving at the Academy something less than an hour after the opening dance.

The crowd was great and I circulated the floor three times before I came upon him. When I did, I own I was slightly disappointed; for instead of finding him as I anticipated, the centre of an admiring circle of ladies and gentlemen, I espied him withdrawn into a corner with a bland old politician of the Fifteenth Ward, discussing, as I presently overheard, the merits and demerits of a certain Smith who at that time was making some disturbance in the party.

"If that is all he has come for," thought I, "I had better have stayed at home and made love to the pretty Fanny." And somewhat chagrined, I took up my stand near by, and began scrutinizing the ladies.

Suddenly I felt my heart stand still, the noise of voices ceasing the same instant behind me. A lady was passing on the arm of a foreign-looking gentleman, whom it did not require a second glance to identify with the subject of the portrait in Mr. Blake's house. Older by some few years than when her picture was painted, her beauty had assumed a certain defiant expression that sufficiently betrayed the fact that the years had not been so wholly happy as she had probably anticipated when she jilted handsome Holman Blake for the old French Count. At all events so I interpreted the look of latent scorn that burned in her dark eyes, as she slowly turned her richly bejeweled head towards the corner where that gentleman stood, and meeting his eyes no doubt, bowed with a sudden loss of

Menia 10/09/2024
Elizabeth (Alaska) 08/30/2017
I'm not certain I can give a good reason why I like Anna Katherine Green and am not especially enamored of more recent mystery writers. For me, it is the better prose - better to my ear, in any case. It's quite possible she was "talking down" to her 19th Century audience, as I feel many 21st Century
A.M. 07/04/2016
A young woman has disappeared from a fifth avenue home. The bachelor owner, Mr Holman Blake, says he knows nothing of her. But the housekeeper Mrs Daniel is worried and goes to the police. Q finds blood on the windowsill and the girl has not taken the time to pack. It seems clear that she left unwil
El 11/24/2014
I was a little bit disappointed by this after enjoying The Leavenworth Case so much. A K Green is hailed as the Mother of Modern Crime Fiction but it didn't take me long to work out what was going on here. Added to this, I was disappointed to find that Police Inspector Ebenezer Gryce (the Sherlock H

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