All You Can Books

Sweet Dreams

Emmy Z. Madrigal

50 ratings
Sweet Dreams | Emmy Z. Madrigal

Sweet Dreams

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At twenty-one, Rob Malloy is a successful San Francisco entertainment manager and has achieved more than most men twice his age. Wealthy and famous for closing any deal, he may seem to have everything a man could want. However, he longs to meet a woman he can share his life with. Victoria Knox is a poor eighteen year old student who dreams of nothing but becoming a singer. Dating is the last thing on her mind when she accidentally bumps into Rob in an airport gift shop on Christmas day. Instant attraction draws them to one another, despite their different lifestyles. Looking as if he stepped out of a GQ ad, Rob exudes high class and money. Victoria is convinced he is too good for her, but Rob is immediately attracted to how she freely shares her innocently opinionated views. He likes her down to earth personality that is such a breath of fresh air compared to the gold digging socialites he is normally plagued with. In this love story, Rob introduces Victoria to a high society world where she meets the rich and famous. For the first time she dares to believe her dream of becoming a singing star is possible through Rob's industry connections. However, Rob is different from anyone she has ever met and she fears she won't fit into his world. Her mother adds fuel to Victoria's misgivings by questioning Rob's intentions. Though sincere, Rob may have trouble convincing his country club parents that Victoria is a proper match. Join Rob and Victoria as they battle social class lines, parental disapproval and ghosts from their pasts to prove to others and themselves that their love is meant to last.
Sonja 02/24/2013
great series loved it
Kendra 09/10/2011
Couldnt stop reading it:) wonderful book wonderful auther
Collene 06/03/2011
Its amazing, i will write more later :)
Cynthia 02/14/2009
WOW this is such Great book I can't wait for the next one

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