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Swiss Family Robinson

Mary Godolphin

103 ratings
Swiss Family Robinson | Mary Godolphin

Swiss Family Robinson

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All the excitement, danger, heartbreaks and triumphs of this well known story, but without the big words. Lucy Aikin, an accomplished writer and writing as Mary Godolphin, accomplishes this with apparent ease in this little book. The story of a plucky family ship wrecked on a desolate island, saving what they can from the ship, is well known. The entire family, under the leadership of an intrepid father and mother works together to not only survive in this island, but actually prosper. This work would seem an excellent one for English as a second language speakers to improve their skill in English.
, my dear, as if God had led us to this place, and that we should do wrong to leave it?"

"What you say may be quite true, so far as it goes," she said; "but I must tell you that the mid-day heat is more than we can bear, and that if we stay here we may have to keep watch at night, for there are, no doubt, wild beasts of some kind that will find us out; and we should not trust too much to our dogs, who may lose their lives in a fight with them."

"I dare say you are right," said I; "but I do not yet see how we can cross the stream. We shall first have to build a bridge."

The boys were now all out of their beds; and while my wife went to milk the cow and cook some food, I made my plans known to them. They were all glad when they heard that we were to leave, and each said he, would help to build the bridge.

The first thing to be done was to find some strong planks; and Fritz, Ernest, and I went down to the shore, and got in the boat, which the tide took down to the bay.

On a piece of land which lay to the left we could see some large dark thing, round which flew a flock of sea gulls. We put up a sail and caught a gust of wind which had sprung up, and this soon brought the boat to the spot. We made no noise, but crept up the shore step by step, and we got so near that Ernest brought down some of the birds with a stick. Fritz was the first to find out that what the sea gulls had just left was the huge fish he had shot in the sea. We cut off some rough skin, which we thought might serve for files, and then went back to the boat. I took a glance at the shore ere I got in, and to my great joy saw some of the planks and spars from the wreck lay on the ground not far off. Our next care was to bind these so as to make a raft, which we tied to the stern of the boat, and then, by the use of our oars, soon made our way up the stream to the place where the bridge was to be built. Our young friends

Maria 04/13/2020
Simple easy read

A great simple retelling of the classic. Full of fun, adventure, and excitement. Perffect for the younger reader or the less confident.
Andre 09/06/2017
"When one has a good tale to tell, he should try to be brief, and not say more than he can help ere he makes a fair start"
Christen 02/10/2017
This was so neat to read and you don't think that it will make sense, and won't flow at all, but it does. See what I did there? I did find one 'out of place' word in it though: "broken" :P So weird!
Amanda 09/28/2016
Amusing read, stayed mostly true to the original language but occasionally stretched a bit to keep it all in words of one syllable.
linda parsons 05/23/2016
Its ok

This is not all the book.sdgddtgdrfdd dggfggg vhbvfgvgtjftgjg ggy gghg GHG GHG ghggvghg hhggg GHG ghggghv GH vhvhvghv vbvb vgv
Emily 02/22/2015
I was intrigued--a whole book in one-syllable words? I've never read the original "Swiss Family Robinson", nor have I seen any of the movie adaptations, so I didn't really know the story. I thought the one-syllable format would make the writing seem stilted, but after I got a bit used to it, it flow

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