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Sylvie and Bruno

Lewis Carroll

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Sylvie and Bruno | Lewis Carroll

Sylvie and Bruno

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The novel has two main plots; one set in the real world at the time the book was published (the Victorian era), the other in the fantasy world of Fairyland. While the latter plot is a fairytale with many nonsense elements and poems, similar to Carroll’s Alice books, the story set in Victorian Britain is a social novel, with its characters discussing various concepts and aspects of religion, society, philosophy and morality.

This book is the first of two volumes and the two intertwining stories are brought to a close in the second volume, Sylvie and Bruno Concluded.
brief excursion.

It seemed natural enough that the gardener should be filled with exuberant delight at the return of so gracious a master and mistress and how strangely childlike they looked! I could have taken them for Sylvie and Bruno less natural that he should show it by such wild dances, such crazy songs!

    "He thought he saw a Rattlesnake
    That questioned him in Greek:
    He looked again, and found it was
    The Middle of Next Week.
    'The one thing I regret,' he said,
    'Is that it cannot speak!"

—least natural of all that the Vice-Warden and 'my Lady' should be standing close beside me, discussing an open letter, which had just been handed to him by the Professor, who stood, meekly waiting, a few yards off.

"If it were not for those two brats," I heard him mutter, glancing savagely at Sylvie and Bruno, who were courteously listening to the Gardener's song, "there would be no difficulty whatever."

"Let's hear that bit of the letter again," said my Lady.
And the Vice-Warden read aloud:-

"—and we therefore entreat you graciously to accept the Kingship, to which you have been unanimously elected by the Council of Elfland: and that you will allow your son Bruno of whose goodness, cleverness, and beauty, reports have reached us—to be regarded as Heir-Apparent."

"But what's the difficulty?" said my Lady.

"Why, don't you see? The Ambassador, that brought this, is waiting in the house: and he's sure to see Sylvie and Bruno: and then, when he sees Uggug, and remembers all that about 'goodness, cleverness, and beauty,' why, he's sure to—"

"And where will you find a better boy than Uggug?" my

Maria 02/23/2023
Such a wonderful collection
ece ✿ 06/09/2022
Enchanting!!! I literally left little pieces of my heart on each passing page.
Sadaf 07/22/2021
Coleman 08/23/2019
Great classics.
Belinda 06/22/2018
4,75 stars - English hardcover - I have dyslexia -
Note in notebook : read some poems in my schoolsysteem. This book I read while I was au-pair in Bath.
Dark-Draco 04/22/2016
I enjoyed Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass, especially as this copy has fantastic replicas of the original drawings. Although the story is so familier, it was nice to actually read it at last. I couldn't get into the Sylvia and Bruno stories at all - I was totally lost after a coupl

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