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Wilderness: A Journal of Quiet Adventure in Alaska

Rockwell Kent

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Wilderness: A Journal of Quiet Adventure in Alaska | Rockwell Kent

Wilderness: A Journal of Quiet Adventure in Alaska

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Wilderness: A Journal of Quiet Adventure in Alaska — Memoir of the fall and winter painting and exploring with his eldest son – also Rockwell – on Fox Island in Resurrection Bay, Alaska
  • “The Tree Dwellers,” “The Cave Dwellers,” “The Sea People,” etc.
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  • Nansen’s “In Northern Mists”
  • [Pg 16]

    In the center of the right-hand wall is a small low window and beneath it the dining table. Right at the door where we stand, to our left, is the sheet-iron Yukon stove and behind it another food-laden shelf. A new floor of broad unplaned boards is under our feet, a wooden platform—it is a bed—stands in the left-hand corner by the stove. Clothes hang under the shelves; pots and pans upon the wall, snowshoes and saws; a rack for plates in one place, a cupboard for potatoes and turnips behind the door—the cellar it may be called; the trunk for a seat, boxes for chairs, one stool for style; axes here and boots innumerable there, and we have, I think, all that the eye can take in of this adventurers’ home!

    Trees stood thick about our cabin when we first came there; and between it and the shore a dense and continuous thicket of large alders and sapling spruces. Day by day we cleared the ground; cutting avenues and vistas; then, though contented at first with these, enlarging them until they merged, and the sun began to shine about the cabin. It grew brighter then and drier,—nonsense! am I mistaking the daylight for the sun? I can remember but one or two fair days in all the three weeks of our first stay on the island.


    For a true record of this matter Olson’s diary shall b

    BooksRgood 08/01/2022
    Fascinating - quite the story here.
    KRISTIN 10/03/2020
    The adventure of a dad and his nine year old son in the early 1900s living in a cabin outside of Seward, Alaska. They made incredible memories together in the winter with the snow , the rain and the wind. Little Rockwell grew to love Fox Island bu exploring the lake, mountain, beach, and taking bath
    Sandra 03/23/2019
    It was quite different from my regular reads. It talked about a man and his son who travelled to Alaska away from the WW1. They dreamed about living simple life in wilderness. And they found an old man who lived on an isolated island with two goats and foxes. They move to his unused goat stable and
    Ace 04/26/2015
    This is a journal that Rockwell Kent kept of his sojourn in Fox Island, Alaska, for 7 months, from August 1918 to March 1919. He had gone there in a last ditch effort to save his career, find his art, as it were, along with his 9 year old son, also named Rockwell. He chose Alaska because he "craved
    Steve 01/18/2013
    Something different, but extremely worthwhile. I bought this on the recommendation of the Alaska museum staff while in Anchorage - otherwise it would not have captured my attention or interest. Long before the modern era of the modern graphic novel, long before Alaska was a state, and far from urban

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