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A Woman who went to Alaska

May Kellogg Sullivan

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A Woman who went to Alaska | May Kellogg Sullivan

A Woman who went to Alaska

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Alaska has only been a state since 1959, and the breathtaking terrain remains mostly unspoiled and natural. In modern times, many of us have had the pleasure of visiting Alaska via a luxurious cruise ship, where we enjoyed gourmet meals, amazing entertainment, and a climate-controlled environment. It's easy to also book a land package that enables you to see more of the country by train.

Imagine what it was like to visit the same wild, untamed countryside in 1899. Instead of boarding a sleek, stylish cruise ship, you travel for weeks on a steamer. You wait 2 weeks for the open, flat cars of the new railroad just to assure yourself it can travel safely through the dangerous mountain pass. No stately cabin or grand hotel awaits you at the end of your journey; you'll spend your time in rough mining camps. Such is the case in May Kellogg Sullivan's spellbinding and vivid account of her Alaskan adventures, which occurred over 18 months during 2 solo trips covering 12,000 miles. This is the perfect travel narrative to enjoy on your Alaskan cruise or in the comfort of your own home.
comfort by recommending out of former experiences ship's biscuit, dry toast and pop-corn as remedies, but only received black looks as our reward. We then concluded that a diet of tea, coffee and soup was exactly such a one as the fishes would recommend could they speak, these favorite and much used liquids keeping up a continual "swishing" in one's interior regions, and causing one to truthfully speak of the same as "infernal" instead of internal. But they were all tree physical as well as free moral agents and decided these things for themselves.

At last we entered the Japan current and the[Pg 78] weather was warmer and more enjoyable. On Monday, June fourth, we saw from the deck a few drifting logs and a quantity of seaweed, and these, with the presence of gulls and goonies flying overhead, convinced us that we were nearing land.

We were not mistaken. After eating an excellent six o'clock dinner we went above to find ourselves between high, rocky cliffs, which loomed up into mountains not far distant, and we knew we were again at the Aleutian Islands and in the rough waters of Unimak Pass. As we drew nearer and entered the harbor so well land-locked, the sun dipped low into yellow-red western waters, thereby casting long shadows aslant our pathway so delicately shaded in greens.

The little hamlet of Dutch Harbor nestled cosily at the foot of the mountains which bordered the bay, and here numbers of ships lay anchored at rest. Passing along easily beyond another high mountain, we were soon at the dock of Unalaska, beside other great ships in port. Both groups of craft were evidently waiting for the ice to clear from Behring Sea before proceeding on their way northward, and we counted sixteen ships of different kinds and sizes, the majority of them large steamers. All were loaded with passengers and freight for Nome. Scout boats had alr

E 07/09/2019
Historical novel Alaska

Good read. Definitely literate, easy to picture what the author was describing. I recommend this book to take you away.
GoldenGerbera 01/10/2018
A nice peek in to women lifes in Alaska. With few retold exciting stories :)
Carole 08/16/2014
I think this woman had a lot of spunk to travel alone to Alaska in 1900. This was more of a day to day diary than a 'novel'. She did whatever work she could find to keep her fed & housed. She held a variety of jobs. She never complained of the conditions. Her style of writing (back in the 1900's) wa
Jennifer 04/04/2013
I enjoyed the armchair adventure aspects of this book, and the spunk and determination of the author, though some parts moved very slowly, and some lacked clarity. In keeping with the style of the day, she occasionally alluded to a situation or an emotion but refrained from spelling out the details
Evelyn 03/08/2013
Intriguing that a woman in the 1899-1900 time period would travel alone to Alaska, be involved in the gold rush, take on a variety of jobs and live in uncomfortable conditions and maintain her safety and integrity. I have to admire her courage.

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