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The Young Carthaginian

G. A. Henty

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The Young Carthaginian | G. A. Henty

The Young Carthaginian

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Typically, Henty's heroes are boys of pluck in troubled times, and this is no different. Detailed research is embellished with a vivid imagination, especially in this novel set in the Punic wars, about which knowledge is limited
the mighty city, the gathered crowd, all excited their astonishment, and their white teeth glistened as they chatted incessantly with a very babel of laughter and noise.

Not less light hearted were the chosen band of young nobles grouped by the general's ship. Their horses were held in ranks behind them for the last time by their slaves, for in future they would have to attend to them themselves, and as they gathered in groups they laughed and jested over the last scandal in Carthage, the play which had been produced the night before at the theatre, or the horse race which was to be run on the following day. As to the desperate work on which they were to be engaged—for it was whispered that Hannibal had in preparation some mighty enterprise—it troubled them not at all, nor the thought that many of them might never look on Carthage again. In their hearts perhaps some of them, like Malchus, were thinking sadly of the partings they had just gone through with those they loved, but no signs of such thoughts were apparent in their faces or conversation.

Presently a blast of trumpets sounded, and the babel of voices was hushed as if by magic. The soldiers fell into military order, and stood motionless. Then Hamilcar walked along the quays inspecting carefully each group, asking questions of the captains of the ships as to their store of provisions and water, receiving from the officers charged with that duty the lists of the war machines and stores which were stored away in the hulls; and, having assured himself that everything was in order, he gave the signal to his trumpeter, who again blew a long and piercing blast.

The work of embarkation at once commenced. The infantry were soon on board, but the operation of shipping the horses of the cavalry took longer. Half of these were stored away in the hold of the general's ship, the rest in another vessel. When the troops were all on board the soldiers

Naomi 04/04/2023
Car audiobook the boys particularly enjoyed. Historical fiction to immerse you in the long battles between Rome and Carthage.
Abel Ketchen 11/04/2021
I think that The Young Carthaginian is a delightful story about Hannibal's conquest for Rome. this book not only tells about the life of a Carthaginian soldier, but also shows us how politically disarrayed Carthage was at the time. Even though this book is fictional (historical fiction), I think it
Rick 02/19/2020
This was our second G.A. Henty book (following after The Cat of Bubastes). Henty wrote historical fiction, typically crafting a fictional narrative within a highly accurate historical context. In this case he traced the efforts of Hannibal to conquer Rome on behalf of Carthage. I enjoyed the story w
Katrina 02/16/2019
I grew up reading G.A. Henty, and, while I admit I often found his books boring, I love coming back to them now for the history. His books are geared more toward boys than girls, but I have always found them to be interesting, engaging, and informative. Henty was a thorough and meticulous historian,
Del 01/07/2016
A fun book about a time I didn't know much about. The author does a pretty good job of transporting you back to give you a view of what life was like during the time of Hannibal. I enjoyed it, but someone who already knows a lot about this time likely would not. It is an era I haven't studied, howev

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