The Coal Hole

Joshua Jared Scott

Podcast Overview

Following more than twenty years of conflict, a pair of brothers come to terms, putting aside the troubles of their past, and both families jump at the chance to spend the summer together in the mountains of Pennsylvania. At first glance all seems pleasant and benign, but there are secrets lurking about the small town, talk of foul cults and human sacrifice. The locals largely consider this nonsense, even with a handful of disappearances over the years and several unexplained deaths. Yet, there are those who believe, individuals who are prepared to do whatever it takes to rid their home of this darkness, an evil that is more ancient and powerful than they imagine.

Podcast Episodes

Episode 18

Entering the mine, Donald and Justin reach a natural cavern long ago breached by the miners. Here they encounter a terror.

Episode 17

Donald and Justin check the entrance to the closed coal mine, it being a popular hangout for teenagers. Michael, at the urging of Jennifer, gets Julie who lives nearby so they can search the forest trails and clearings.

Episode 16

Michelle wakes screaming, the dreams and visions having taken their toll, breaking her spirit. She demands they cut the vacation short and leave immediately, only no one can find Brooke. The family separate to search for her.

Episode 15

Deep inside the mine, Kirk and the others encounter the faithful.

Episode 14

Mrs. Williams and her band prepare to search the abandoned mine that lies beneath the town.

Episode 13

The Allun, a bat-like creature summoned into this world, enters the Joyce residence late at night, traveling through the shadows, and traces a symbol on Elizabeth's forehead.

Episode 12

While celebrating Elizabeth's sixteenth birthday, Michelle learns that Donald and Justin had a sister, long deceased, and that Justin and Suzie had a second daughter, also dead. Their descriptions are that of the two dream guides.

Episode 11

Mrs. Williams, her son Kirk, and the other core members who had sworn to destroy the cult are meeting to discuss what to do. One of them, Albert, manages to identify the cult by comparing its activities to an all but forgotten faith. This long dead religion held its ceremonies underground.

Episode 10

Reading the book she acquired in the antique store. Elizabeth learns about the original races, including one of true evil which had been defeated and imprisoned.

Episode 09

Kirk informs his mother that another woman was found dead, apparently after giving birth. Yet, the doctors are positive that she was never pregnant. It makes little sense, but he believes it is related to the cultists they have been pursuing.

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