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The Age of Fable

Thomas Bulfinch

Book Overview: 

Bulfinch’s Mythology, is one of the most popular collections of mythology of all time. It consists of three volumes: The Age of Fable, The Age of Chivalry, and Legends of Charlemagne. This is a recording of the tenth edition of the first volume, The Age of Fable. It contains many Greek and Roman myths, including simplified versions of The Iliad and The Odyssey, as well as a selection of Norse and “eastern” myths. Thomas Bulfinch’s goal was to make the ancient myths accessible to a wide audience, and so it is suitable for children.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .ound of human conversation, breaks the stillness. Silence reigns there; and from the bottom of the rock the River Lethe flows, and by its murmur invites to sleep. Poppies grow abundantly before the door of the cave, and other herbs, from whose juices Night collects slumbers, which she scatters over the darkened earth. There is no gate to the mansion, to creak on its hinges, nor any watchman; but in the midst, a couch of black ebony, adorned with black plumes and black curtains. There the god reclines, his limbs relaxed with sleep. Around him lie dreams, resembling all various forms, as many as the harvest bears stalks, or the forest leaves, or the seashore grains of sand.

As soon as the goddess entered and brushed away the dreams that hovered around her, her brightness lit up all the cave. The god, scarce opening his eyes, and ever and anon dropping his beard upon his breast, at last shook himself free from himself, and leaning on his arm, inq. . . Read More

Community Reviews

AmblesideOnline years 5 and 6. Just finished reading this aloud for the last time. Great introduction to myths and legends as well as how they’re frequently referenced in famous art and poetry.

In the battle between mythologists, Graves comes in first, Hamilton comes in second and Bulfinch comes in third. Bulfinch has a tendency to prefer using the Roman names, and his interpretation of the myths themselves is rather superficial at best, so while I appreciate his contribution to Greek myth

Read this for school, and I found it very enjoyable, although long. Lol I never really knew just how much Greek and Roman mythology resounds in our world. It has a real depth that I loved to see. Super fun. Gore, violence, love, action, music, gods, nymphs, poems, stories... Almost anything you coul

More modern treatments of mythology might correct historical errors or fill in gaps in the stories, but this was a very interesting view of the early scholarly work in the field. Troy had not even been discovered by Schliemann when Bulfinch compiled this work. Slavery still existed in the United Sta

Classic, well written, informative, beautifully researched, and with careful and delicious verbosity which tends to add to rather than detract from the subject matter. It's a very fine reference guide for people who already have a pretty good handle on Greek Mythology, and a pretty good guide for th

This was my very first mythology book. My mother bought it for me in 1985, and I've been hooked on mythology ever since. I still love the photos of statues and the paintings used as illustrations. The fact that it's mostly in black and white was my only real complaint.

I think a lot of people miss the purpose of the volume. This is a 19th century course on classics taught in a very classical way. When poetry or other literature based on the mythology discussed is quoted you should pull the work up and read the whole thing. This is of course much easier to do now w

"If no other knowledge deserves to be called useful but that which helps to enlarge our possessions or to raise our station in society, then Mythology has no claim to the appellation. But if that which tends to make us happier and better can be called useful, then we claim that epithet for our subje

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