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Wladislaw Lach-Syzmra
Book Overview:
When an Oxford undergraduate meets by chance, a mysterious stranger, during a walking tour of France, he does not know that the unusual charismatic being he has made the acquaintance of, is in fact a disguised alien being, named Aleriel. Coming from the planet of peace, Venus, this space traveler claims to be visiting Earth for the first time. Thus begins an unusual interplanetary friendship, that takes our Oxford graduate on an amazing adventure, first into the war-torn streets of Paris, then across the English Channel, to busy London and finally on to tranquil Oxford. Aleriel then leaves his friend and explores many parts of the earth, to discover the state of mankind and humanity, before departing in his 'ether car' for the Moon, then returning to his home planet to report all his findings to advanced beings there.
When an Oxford undergraduate meets by chance, a mysterious stranger, during a walking tour of France, he does not know that the unusual charismatic being he has made the acquaintance of, is in fact a disguised alien being, named Aleriel. Coming from the planet of peace, Venus, this space traveler claims to be visiting Earth for the first time. Thus begins an unusual interplanetary friendship, that takes our Oxford graduate on an amazing adventure, first into the war-torn streets of Paris, then across the English Channel, to busy London and finally on to tranquil Oxford. Aleriel then leaves his friend and explores many parts of the earth, to discover the state of mankind and humanity, before departing in his 'ether car' for the Moon, then returning to his home planet to report all his findings to advanced beings there.
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Community Reviews
I read this for a college class. The titular Aleriel is a Venusian who travels the solar system with some companions. They visit Mars,Jupiter,and Saturn. On Mars they find intelligent beings who are sort of a human-lion cross. On Jupiter they find giant aquatic beings. On Saturn they,as far as I rec
It is amazing to me how many authors of speculative fiction in the past thought there might be life on Mars. Our whole solar system was teeming with intelligent beings, they thought, living among verdant rolling hills of lavender grass under chartreuse skies.
I guess because I have always known that