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The Condition of the Working Class in England
Friedrich Engels
Book Overview:
This is Engels' first book (since considered a classic account of England's working class in the industrial age), which argues that workers paid a heavy price for the industrial revolution that swept the country. Engels wrote the piece while staying in Manchester from 1842 to 1844, based on the his observations and several contemporary reports conducted over the period.
This is Engels' first book (since considered a classic account of England's working class in the industrial age), which argues that workers paid a heavy price for the industrial revolution that swept the country. Engels wrote the piece while staying in Manchester from 1842 to 1844, based on the his observations and several contemporary reports conducted over the period.
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Community Reviews
I am a democratic socialist in the tradition of
Aneurin Bevan and Harold Wilson . But this book as a work of history for anyone studying the circumstances of the working class in Britain at the time this is indispensable
As a historian Engels was brilliant.
The fact is that the Industrial Revolution wa
This started off as being the foulest piece of drudgery that I had ever cast my eyes upon. Engels is a very wordy man, and once he gets going he’s like a steam train in motion. But once we get past the gruelling first chapter, in which he lists all the different types of fabrics and methods of makin
Excellent work on Industrial Revolution, but it does contain racist ugly filth about the Irish.
I am a democratic socialist in the tradition of
Aneurin Bevan and Harold Wilson . But this book as a work of history for anyone studying the circumstances of the working class in Britain at the time this is indispensable
As a historian Engels was brilliant.
The fact is that the Industrial Revolution wa
An impressively humane and objective study of a key element of industrial capitalism in the 19th century.
The only reason I don't give this book five stars is that a good part of it is filled with a detailed account of the very thing it is supposed to be about - the awful condition of the workers. How can that be a liability? It is because you don't need to know all the details today.
You can get an exce
دوستانِ گرانقدر، <فریدریش انگلس> در این کتاب، پژوهش هایِ همه جانبه ای از شرایطِ کار و زندگی پرولتاریا (کارگران-کشاورزان) بر اساسِ شیوهٔ تولیدِ سرمایه داری ارائه داده است... وی تضادهایِ نظامِ سرمایه داری را موردِ بررسی قرار داده و نشان داده است که چگونه قوانینِ ذاتیِ این نظام و وضعیتِ اقتصادیِ غم ان
Engels' study of the working class in Manchester in the 19th century. Personally, Engels was the hero not Marx - and is also the more accessible writer. This is a fascinating account of what it was to be working class at that time. It is a classic of whatever genre you wish to ascribe it to, very re