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The Dead Alive
Wilkie Collins
Book Overview:
Ill feelings exist between the Meadowcroft sons and John Jago, the foreman of the Meadowcroft estate. Then, John Jago disappears, and a body is found in a kiln. The Meadowcroft brothers stand accused of the crime, but are they guilty? The Dead Alive is a novel written by Wilkie Collins based on the true-life Boorn Brothers murder conviction case. Jesse and Stephen Boorn were sentenced to death for the murder of their brother-in-law, but were they wrongly convicted?
Recommended for fans of John Grisham, Scott Turow, Michael Connelly, Janet Evanovich and David Baldacci.
Ill feelings exist between the Meadowcroft sons and John Jago, the foreman of the Meadowcroft estate. Then, John Jago disappears, and a body is found in a kiln. The Meadowcroft brothers stand accused of the crime, but are they guilty? The Dead Alive is a novel written by Wilkie Collins based on the true-life Boorn Brothers murder conviction case. Jesse and Stephen Boorn were sentenced to death for the murder of their brother-in-law, but were they wrongly convicted?
Recommended for fans of John Grisham, Scott Turow, Michael Connelly, Janet Evanovich and David Baldacci.
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"If things go well," I repeated. "What does that mean? Money?"
She shook her head.
"It means a fear that I have in my own mind," she answered—"a fear, Mr. Lefrank, of matters taking a bad turn among the men here—the wicked, hard-hearted, unfeeling men. I don't mean Ambrose, sir; I mean his brother Silas, and John Jago. Did you notice Silas's hand? John Jago did that, sir, with a knife."
"By accident?" I asked.
"On purpose," she answered. "In return for a blow."
This plain revelation of the state of things at Morwick Farm rather staggered me—blows and knives under the rich and respectable roof-tree of old Mr. Meadowcroft—blows and knives, not among the laborers, but among the masters! My first impression was like your first impression, no doubt. I could hardly believe it.
"Are you sure of what you say?" I inquired.
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Ψυχαγωγική νουβέλα που βασίζεται σε πραγματική δικαστική υπόθεση στις ΗΠΑ, το πρώτο δικαστικό θρίλερ αναγράφεται στο εξώφυλλο του βιβλίου και δεν έχω λόγο να το αμφισβητήσω, ο Collins ήταν γενικά πρωτοπόρος, οπότε γιατί όχι και σε αυτό το είδος. Διαβάζεται πολύ γρήγορα και ευχάριστα, αν και τόσο ο τ
Ο Κόλινς εδώ μας γνωρίζει το νομικό σύστημα των ΗΠΑ το οποίο έμπαζε νερά από τότες και που στην περίπτωση του βιβλίου, το οποίο βασίζεται σε αληθινά γεγονότα, 2 νέοι φυλακίζονται με την κατηγορία του φόνου, παρόλο που τα στοιχεία που μαζεύονται δεν είναι τελείως ξεκάθαρα και ακόμα οι μαρτυρίες είναι
3,5 περίπου είναι η γενική βαθμολογία του βιβλίου. Νομίζω είναι από τις πιο accurate βαθμολογίες που έχω πετύχει στο goodreads. Αν μπορούσα θα του έβαζα 3,5 αστεράκια αλλά θα βάλω 4 αντί για 3 καθώς το τελείωσα αμέσως και με κράτησε η γραφή.