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Harry Harrison

Book Overview: 

Harry Harrison is best known for his Stainless Steel Rat stories and the novel Make Room! It’s the story of Jason dinAlt a professional gambler with psionic skills who finds himself on Pyrrus the deadliest planet to be colonized by humanity. Violent weather, active tectonics, heavy gravity, abundant predators, and a hostile splinter group of colonists is only the beginning of Jason’s quest to learn the truth about Pyrrus.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .When the ship finally landed Jason didn't even know it. The constant 2 G's felt like deceleration. Only the descending moan of the ship's engines convinced him they were down. Unbuckling the straps and sitting up was an effort.

Two G's don't seem that bad—at first. Walking required the same exertion as would carrying a man of his own weight on his shoulders. When Jason lifted his arm to unlatch the door it was heavy as two arms. He shuffled slowly towards the main lock.

They were all there ahead of him, two of the men rolling transparent cylinders from a nearby room. From their obvious weight and the way they clanged when they bumped, Jason knew they were made of transparent metal. He couldn't conceive any possible use for them. Empty cylinders a meter in diameter, longer than a man. One end solid, the other hinged and sealed. It wasn't until Kerk spun the sealing wheel and opened one of them that their use became apparent.

. . . Read More

Community Reviews

A trickier book than it first appears. At first, you're sure you know exactly what's going to happen. Jason dinAlt, a typical cool SF superhero kinda guy, finds himself en route to Pyrrhus, the most dangerous planet in the known universe. The native fauna, and even flora, is so terrifyingly aggressi

Another one of those books where the concept triumphs over the story in general. While Deathworld deals with, for example, ecological science and anthropological science, these themes are somewhat buried under a story that is deceptively simple, and told in broad strokes.

All in all, though, it is a

When I picked up this Harry Harrison, I did so in full knowledge of his general humor, his delightful action, and lighthearted adventure.

In this, we at least get a lighthearted adventure with a fair smattering of action. The characters are merely so/so. Even so, the tale progresses fairly nicely wit

I've read this many times before & my paperback copy of it is tattered enough to have a packing tape binding. I first read it about a decade after it was published & thought Jason second only to the Stainless Steel Rat for sheer panache. I've always liked the other 2 books more than this one since t

“Everything here was deadly to man— from the smallest insect to the largest plant.”

Deathworld is basically about a world that wants to kill you at every opportunity. Harry Harrison is a dab hand at old-school sci-fi adventures, not a lot of nuances or anything to contemplate after you are done, ju

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