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Ellen G. White
Book Overview:
Ellen White said that one of the most delicate tasks in life was working with youthful minds. Teaching should be varied which can make it possible for the 'high and noble powers of the mind' to have a chance to progress. Educators of youth should be gentle and loving and have self control. Her idea of creating a Christian educational system is detailed in this book.
Ellen White said that one of the most delicate tasks in life was working with youthful minds. Teaching should be varied which can make it possible for the 'high and noble powers of the mind' to have a chance to progress. Educators of youth should be gentle and loving and have self control. Her idea of creating a Christian educational system is detailed in this book.
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Community Reviews
Every aspiring educator, parent or anyone who cares for the youth should read this book.
This will surely open you to the real goal of education, and that is bringing your students back to the loving arms of our Saviour Jesus Christ.
Read the book and understand education in its deepest and truest for
Inspiring! One cannot fully comprehend what we may become in Jesus Christ. It is truly astonishing to consider how far we have strayed from Gods plan for Christian education but it is equally as inspiring to seek to honor Him today in our schools of learning. May God help us bring about true and las
Far-reaching words from an inspired author about the holistic education that our children need. It draws parallels from the Holy Bible to remind us that our contemporary best interest can be found in the ancient foundations of our existence.
Tenho mais críticas à edição do que ao conteúdo. Este aqui é um livro datado cuja leitura anacrônica pode ser perigosa. Muitas das colocações de Ellen White são pertinentes ao seu tempo e ao seu lugar, mas não contemplam a realidade do Brasil no séc XXI (e nem tinha como!). Um prefácio que promete u
This was better than I expected. After all, how could a book written in 1903 have any bearing on education in 2016? Shockingly more than I thought. While there's a lot that isn't applicable to today's educational context, White does touch on topics that we now call differentiated instruction, standa
This was better than I expected. After all, how could a book written in 1903 have any bearing on education in 2016? Shockingly more than I thought. While there's a lot that isn't applicable to today's educational context, White does touch on topics that we now call differentiated instruction, standa
This woman KNOWS TRUE Education!
Very good book! Education is today a very important issue and parents should pay attention to all that surrounds their children.Many things that we see as good or without imminent danger hide serious and dip problems.Children minds are very sensitive to everything around them and we all should be aw