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Ethan Frome
Edith Wharton
Book Overview:
Edith Wharton’s novel Ethan Frome tells the story of a tragic love triangle. Set in the highly symbolic wintry landscape of Starkfield, Massachusetts, the narrative centers on the title character’s fraught relationships with his “sickly, cantankerous” wife Zeena and his young, beautiful cousin Mattie Silver.
Edith Wharton’s novel Ethan Frome tells the story of a tragic love triangle. Set in the highly symbolic wintry landscape of Starkfield, Massachusetts, the narrative centers on the title character’s fraught relationships with his “sickly, cantankerous” wife Zeena and his young, beautiful cousin Mattie Silver.
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The sight made him unhappy, and his unhappiness roused his latent fears. His wife had never shown any jealousy of Mattie, but of late she had grumbled increasingly over the house-work and found oblique ways of attracting attention to the girl's inefficiency. Zeena had always been what Starkf. . . Read More
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Community Reviews
“He seemed a part of the mute melancholy landscape, an incarnation of it's frozen woe, with all that was warm and sentient in him fast bound below the surface; but there was nothing nothing unfriendly in his silence. I simply felt that he lived in a depth of moral isolation too remote for casual acc
‘The passion of rebellion had broken out of him again.’
Once the holidays are over and the grey soaks into everything, winter can be a ferocious and chilly beast. Edith Wharton transforms this bleak atmosphere into her own icy novella, the trepidatious tragedy Ethan Frome, in which we find a man trap
* Spoilers follow*
This is a romantic tragedy that culminates in a sledding accident. I will just say a few brief words about that. First, there is probably a reason that sledding accidents don't figure more prominently in tragedies. Shakespeare wrote like 13 tragedies and to the best of my
can't pass up a short classic!
the theme of this book seems to be "old-timey life is depressing," and i can't argue with that. if i had to go my whole life without knowing the concept of a hot shower or an insomnia cookies franchise, i'd be upset too.
generally this is a little saccharine, but it does
It is a plaintive story of a poor farmer, Ethan Frome, a man with thwarted desires and meagre resources. His entire life (past, present and future) is allegorical of hardship, austerity and distress!
I was expecting it to be focused around passion (as from the blurbs), but I found it to be everythi
In the bleak setting of 1880's Starkfield, appropriately named, (Lenox, western Massachusetts) where it always seems like perpetual winter, and its cold, dark, gloomy, ambiance, a poor, uneasy farmer, Ethan Frome, 28, is all alone, his mother has just died, the woman who took good care of her, Zenob
spoilers?? what spoilers??
i have changed my stance on the cover. a) initially, i thought that it was showing an altogether different type of activity, and then b) when ariel called it a spoiler, i reinterpreted it to something else and was still wrong, and then c) everything that may potentially be