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My Life and Work

Henry Ford

Book Overview: 

Henry Ford profiles the events that shaped his personal philosophy, and the challenges he overcame on the road to founding the Ford Motor Company. Throughout his memoir, he stresses the importance of tangible service and physical production over relative value as judged by profits and money. He measures the worth of a business or government by the service it provides to all, not the profits in dollars it accumulates. He also makes the point that only service can provide for human needs, as opposed to laws or rules which can only prohibit specific actions and do not provide for the necessaries of life. Ford applies his reasoning to the lending system, transportation industry, international trade and interactions between labor and management. For each, he proposes solutions that maximize service and provide goods at the lowest cost and highest quality. He analyzes from a purely material viewpoint, going as far as to argue that the need for a good feeling in work environments may reflect a character flaw or weakness. However, his unflinching focus on the ultimate material products and necessities of life provide clever insights in how he created an efficient and flexible system for providing reliable transportation for the average person.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .So I fixed up the "Arrow," the twin of the old "999"—in fact practically remade it—and a week before the New York Automobile show I drove it myself over a surveyed mile straightaway on the ice. I shall never forget that race. The ice seemed smooth enough, so smooth that if I had called off the trial we should have secured an immense amount of the wrong kind of advertising, but instead of being smooth, that ice was seamed with fissures which I knew were going to mean trouble the moment I got up speed. But there was nothing to do but go through with the trial, and I let the old "Arrow" out. At every fissure the car leaped into the air. I never knew how it was coming down. When I wasn't in the air, I was skidding, but somehow I stayed top side up and on the course, making a record that went all over the world! That put "Model B" on the map—but not enough on to overcome the price advances. No stunt and no advertising will sell an article for any length of tim. . . Read More

Community Reviews

You're reading this book and you just think the whole time "man this guy is so awesome and so smart he rules." And you mention it to someone that you're reading it and they say "he was an anti-semite." And you think "oh he couldn't have been. He goes on and on about the worth of all people and he ge

4.75 ⭐


Well to start with I had purchased this book expecting that Henry Ford would be speaking in this book about his personal life and how did he come about establishing the FORD MOTOR COMPANY

Хенри Форд е стожер на модерния ни свят.

От my Life and Work имайте предвид, че 95% от книгата си е за my work и това явно е отличителна черта на първите предприемачи в новия свят - оформили и неговия облик, а и този на останалия свят. Трудолюбие - това е водещата дума.

В голяма част от книгата ми на

A book about a man who changed the world with his vision and philosophy. The book is filled with wisdom and core principles about business which are as equally valuable today as it were back then. Hord was a big believer in self-reliance, simplicity, and honest hard work. While most of the other bus

У цій книзі Генрі Форд розповідає про свої ідеї та їхні реалізації на практиці, доводячи, що бізнес — це не про гроші, а про надання якісних послуг. Його ставлення до цінової політики, якості продукту, забезпечення робітників найкращими умовами праці та спрощення виробництва заслуговують на величезн

Генри Форд описал историю своей компании такой, какой он хотел бы, чтобы её видели другие. Сильно разбавил это своими взглядами на бизнес в целом и его предназначение, на работу, на человечество, на будущее.
Очень ценно то, что многое из описанного Фордом до сих пор выглядит прорывом в бизнес-практик

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