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Robert Barr

Book Overview: 

A collection of 20 short stories of the crime, detective, and thriller variety, sharing a common theme of .... you guessed it, revenge, and often with surprise conclusions. Elements of the style of Alfred Hitchcock may be found among many of the tales. Turn down the lights, let the imagination wander as it will, and perpare to expect the unexpected.

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Book Excerpt: 
. . .ebrated hotel (pension rates for a stay of not less than eight days), but he hoped for a son-in-law, preferably of Swiss extraction, to whom he might, in his old age, hand over the lucrative profession of deferentially skinning the wealthy Englishman. And now Tina had deliberately chosen a reckless, unstable Italian who would, in a short time, scatter to the winds the careful accumulation of years.

"Pietro, the scoundrel, will not have one piastra of my money," cried the old man wrathfully, dropping into Italian as he was speaking about a native of Italy.

"No, I shall see that he doesn't," said the girl. "I shall hold the purse, and he must earn what he spends."

"But if you marry him, you will not have any of it."

"Oh yes, I shall, papa," said Tina confidently; "you have no one else to leave it to. Besides, you are not old, and you will be reconciled to our marriage long before there . . . Read More

Community Reviews

مجموعة قصصية تعتمد على فكرة الإنتقام، على تنوعها واختلاف أسبابها فالدافع واحد وهو الثأر، أعتقد أنها كانت مثيرة ومشوقة وقت نشرها عام ١٨٩٦.
كانت مسلية أخذت قصة كل ليلة.

دمتم قراء... ❤❤❤

Robert Barr's "Revenge!" is a collection of short stories with the common theme of revenge. They are Victorian, romantic, occasionally horrifically vindictive, but on the whole psychologically clever. I found them unlike Barr's usual swashbucklers like "The Sword Maker" or "The Best of Good Fellows"

أول قصة معا روبرت بار وقمت بنشرها علي يوتيوب

من اجمل كتب القصص التي قرأتها،سرد القصص وتنوعها واسلوب الكاتب كانت ممتازة
كتاب ممتع

لم يعجبني علي الاطلاق
كانت القصص رتيبه وممله
اللهم الا اول قصه كانت قصيره ومعبرة وكنت متحمس لباقي المجموعه بسببها
ومنها اقتبس
عندما يفرط الرجل في التفكير في موضوع واحد بعينه،لا يمكن لاحد ان يتخيل الي اي مدي قد يصل اليه .
القصص كلها عن الانتقام وتتلخص جميعا في جرائم قتل بدافع الانتقام
لكنها كانت ممله

Revenge! An Alpine Divorce - 5 Stars
Which Was The Murderer? - 3.5 Stars
A Dynamite Explosion - 4 Stars
An Electrical Slip - 4 Stars
The Vengence of the Dead - 4.5 Stars
Over the Stelvio Pass - 4 Stars
The Hour and the Man - 4 Stars
"And the Rigour of the Game" - 3.5 Stars
The Bromley Gibberts Story

19th Century short stories. Some are memorable. Not certain if the title accurately depicts the content.

Interesting mysteries with romantic & other twists. All chapters are short but complete tales. Some are simply absorbing. Well narrated by Roger Melin (his usual). Nothing offensive - it's a little-known and underrated classic. Recommended.

I have arranged my thoughts on this story into a haiku:

"So alike throughout,
No empathy can be had,
Nor amends be made."

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