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Book Overview:
Tartuffe, a pious fraud who pretends to speak with divine authority, has insinuated himself into the household of Orgon. When Orgon announces that his daughter Mariane is to marry Tartuffe instead of her fiance Valère, the rest of the family realizes the extent of Tartuffe's influence over Orgon. Tartuffe tries to seduce Orgon's wife Elmire, who traps him into revealing to Orgon his intentions toward her. Orgon throws Tartuffe out of the house, Tartuffe returns with an order of eviction for the family, and at the final moment the tables are turned and the play ends happily.
Tartuffe, a pious fraud who pretends to speak with divine authority, has insinuated himself into the household of Orgon. When Orgon announces that his daughter Mariane is to marry Tartuffe instead of her fiance Valère, the rest of the family realizes the extent of Tartuffe's influence over Orgon. Tartuffe tries to seduce Orgon's wife Elmire, who traps him into revealing to Orgon his intentions toward her. Orgon throws Tartuffe out of the house, Tartuffe returns with an order of eviction for the family, and at the final moment the tables are turned and the play ends happily.
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And since they make the world applaud their passion,
And seek to stab us with a sacred sword.
There are too many of this canting kind.
Still, the sincere are easy to distinguish;
And many splendid patterns may be found,
In our own time, before our very eyes
Look at Ariston, Periandre, Oronte,
Alcidamas, Clitandre, and Polydore;
No one denies their claim to true religion;
Yet they're no braggadocios of virtue,
They do not make insufferable display,
And their religion's human, tractable;
They are not always judging all our actions,
They'd think such judgment savoured of presumption;
And, leaving pride of words to other men,
'Tis by their deeds alone . . . Read More
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Community Reviews
When I read this play for the first time, I had a strange feeling that I'd seen it somewhere before. Cretinous Orgon can't understand what's obvious to the audience and everyone else in the play, namely that the slimy cleric Tartuffe is not only trying to ruin him, but also to get into his wife's pa
One of my the great masterpieces of world theater history, one of three or four of such plays that Molière wrote in 1664, but The Church objected to its characterizations of (supposedly) religious people, and threatened excommunication to anyone associated with it, including the by-then-already este
[Read in Spanish] -- [Reseña en español más abajo]
The play's main topic is awesome. It talks about how being a hypocrite on behalf of religion. I have read other books about this as well, but the special thing here is that everything is Molière's creation, meaning that in the classical French from t
Mocking the Heavens
As I read this I was reminded most often of the god-men of India: of their scandals, of their dedicated followers who are so willingly duped, and of the politicians who pretend to be devoted for their own purposes.
I can only imagine what parallel suggestion would have been easily
Book Review
4 out of 5 stars to Tartuffe a play written in 1664 by Molière. I read this play as part of a course on Theatre and Drama several years ago. I also acted in a staged version of this story. I really enjoyed it, especially learning more about the characters and story through the